YuTube- They say the wrath of nature knows no mercy an analogy that can be said of the ongoing drought situation which has devastated both human and animal lives including wildlife in vast Tsavo West National Park but one man -Patrick Mwalua popularly known as the waterman of Voi has decided to save the ecosystem by supplying clean drinking water to the wild for the daily use by the animals.
On our weekly segment Unsung Heroes Dennis Matara tells us the story of a man,who has dedicated his life to save the lives of thousands of wild animals.
Pahtreek pays for the fresh water out of his own pocket. Pahtreek has no formal employment. Pahtreek suffers from kidney failure & treatment is very expensive.
Pahtreek says he has special relationship w the animals & they never charge at him.
Something fishy w this story? How will Pahtreek afford his next conservation project when the animals demand fresh produce/vegetation to accompany their fresh water?
The real Rain Man. Intermittent rain at least.
Tsavo West National Park is in Kenya…. now is the time for wealthy African-Americans (especially Obumbles) to put their money into their homeland and save the animals.
Poor Sadiki has only one leg, one arm and one eye. Each day he has to ride seven miles to the river to get water along a narrow road on a rusty bike with bent wheels, no brakes and only one pedal.
For just $2.00, plus a small shipping and handling charge, we will send you the DVD.
It’s funny as hell!
@RatFink. Don’t forget dusty, scuffed, wing tips sans shoelaces.
I’d rather see this country helping save Africa’s diminishing wildlife than throwing its money away on projects that only enrich the ruling tyrants.
Can I still send $4 per month to wash someone’s genitals?
Who ordered the Perv?
If you gotz money for rims, grills, and LeBron James sneakers, you can send a few bucks back to your home country to help it out once in a while you selfish dirtbags.
What would Darwin say?
Maybe some liberals can go help, look what all their tears did in CA.
OpenTheDoor – Thank you, that explains all the flooding.
How come the Liberals haven’t crowd funded this guy into an entire fleet of water trucks, and assistants and health care?
I would send this guy money but I have to use all my savings to help the King of Zimbabwe get all his gold out of the country.