Drug Overdose Deaths Far Exceed Gun Deaths – IOTW Report

Drug Overdose Deaths Far Exceed Gun Deaths

Drug overdose deaths far exceeds gun deaths, yet the left is talking about legalizing drugs and making guns illegal.

ht/ Petrus


11 Comments on Drug Overdose Deaths Far Exceed Gun Deaths

  1. Liberals are convinced that somewhere in the Constitution it says:

    “A well baked citizenry being necessary to the freedom of a free state, the right of the people to keep and use drugs shall not be infringed.”

    (or that it should be in there somewhere)

  2. Legalization of drugs will lead to fewer deaths. I know at first blush that seems invalid, but it is true.
    Consider this: Beer is banned at many college football games. So what do college students smuggle into games? Not beer. Vodka, rum, strong stuff. Same happens with drugs. While some people take them recreationally many take them because they *need* to, usually to cope with personal struggles. These people would often be ok taking milder drugs, but because of lack of availability they take whatever they can get.
    I always supported legalization of all substances because I am libertarian in thought, because I recognize that those in need will get them anyhow, and because I felt that by permitting public use we can actually reach out to the addicts who currently must hide from the law. Since losing a young dear friend this year I have gotten to know more about the issues and feel even more strongly that all drugs must be decriminalized. Of course I also believe that everyone must be held accountable for their actions and any negative impact they have on others.

  3. The bastards want to tell you what you can and cannot eat, under the guise that it might cause cancer or whatever; but then they want to legalize substances that can actually kill you with a single usage. Insanity amped up.

    Legalize pot, and pot only. It’s damn hard to OD on pot. But the worst thing about pot use being a crime is that young, stupid kids go to jail for it, where they are threatened with rape or assault and the only way most of them can deal with that is to join up with a group of hard criminals, as a means of self defense.
    By the time they get out of jail, they are hard criminals too. Prison is the university of criminal knowledge. They come out worse than they were when they went in, something like 80% of the time. And a lot of them get hooked on heroin while they are in prison. They say it’s easier to score inside than it is on the streets.

  4. Drug addiction just isn’t for the young, I have a neighbor that’s hooked on prescription drugs, she’s 78. I didn’t know it until I drove her 35 miles to emergency because of back pain. Along the way she told me she takes Oxycontin like it’s candy. WTF! Apparently they know all about her at the local hospital, so she had me take her to one 35 miles away so she could get a prescription. By the time I figured it all out, I was trapped. However, I’m getting my phone number changed and I won’t answer the door. Oh, and she drives too!

  5. Went through a bunch of pain medicine with me back surgeries. It stops working after a while and you have to take more. The effectiveness decreases with each dose.

    Prescription pain killers can actually make the pain worse after a while, because your system has to deal with the pain and the toxin build up from the drugs.

    I don’t take any kind of drugs now – not even aspirin (which never did any good for me anyway).

    Pure Noni juice is 70% as effective as morphine for pain. No side effects either. Good for a lot of other things too. It’s hard to get people to believe that it actually works that well, but it does. And it is well documented in medical studies.

    But they want you to take the pharmaceuticals, not the natural stuff. Can’t patent a natural substance. It’s all about $$$$$$.


  6. If America would just legalize drugs, they could be sold at the local convenience store like candy cigarettes and breathmints. No harm, no foul.
    FFS, if you’re an addict, just don’t take drugs in the first place.

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