Durham: Prosecutor unveils smoking gun FBI text message, ‘joint venture’ to smear Trump – IOTW Report

Durham: Prosecutor unveils smoking gun FBI text message, ‘joint venture’ to smear Trump

JTN: Special Counsel John Durham is revealing new smoking gun evidence, a text message  that shows a Clinton campaign lawyer lied to the FBI, while putting the courts on notice he is prepared to show the effort to smear Donald Trump with now-disproven Russia collusion allegations  was a “conspiracy.”

In a bombshell court filing late Monday night, Durham for the first time suggested Hillary Clinton’s campaign, her researchers and others formed a “joint venture or conspiracy” for the purpose of weaving the collusion story to harm Trump’s election chances and then the start of his presidency.

“These parties acted as ‘joint venturer[s]’ and therefore should be ‘considered as co-conspirator[s],'” he wrote.

Durham also revealed he has unearthed a text message showing Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann falsely told the FBI he was not working on behalf of any client when he delivered now-discredited anti-Trump research in the lead-up to the 2016 election. In fact, he was working for the Clinton campaign and another client, prosecutors say.

The existence of the text message between Sussmann and then-FBI General Counsel James Baker was revealed in a court filing late Monday night by Durham’s team. Prosecutors said they intend to show Sussmann gave a false story to the FBI but then told the truth about working on behalf of the Clinton campaign when he later testified to Congress. MORE

12 Comments on Durham: Prosecutor unveils smoking gun FBI text message, ‘joint venture’ to smear Trump

  1. Meanwhile, a guy has been prosecuted for sending out a meme telling Clinton supporters to vote via text messages. He was PROSECUTED for election interference!
    And Hillary is still not in prison for her part of Russia Gate?

  2. @Wylie: “a guy has been prosecuted for sending out a meme telling Clinton supporters to vote via text messages. He was PROSECUTED for election interference”

    yeah- and how about this:
    it is the same thing
    her account is still up, and she is presently raging against Trump
    there is no equality of justice in our country anymore
    and it is blatant

  3. “These parties acted as ‘joint venturer[s]’ and therefore should be ‘considered as co-conspirator[s],’” he wrote.”

    …’unindicted’ co-conspirators, natch.

    And will always remain so.


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