Earliest Written Use Of The F-Word Found In Scotland – IOTW Report

Earliest Written Use Of The F-Word Found In Scotland

The Sun of Scotland

LINGUISTS researching the history of swearing found the world’s earliest record of the F-word — in a National Library of Scotland vault.

Experts discovered a manuscript written by bored uni student George Bannatyne in 1568 after a plague confined him to his home in Edinburgh. More 

20 Comments on Earliest Written Use Of The F-Word Found In Scotland

  1. Theres exciting new evidence that its much, much earlier than that, BFH. A recently unearthed 3000 year old clay tablet in Egypt apparently has this written on it

    What the f#(k, Pharaoh. How many more f#(king plagues do we need? Just let those f#(king Hebrew slaves go!!!

  2. Sometimes the sheep need help getting through the fence!

    Aye, de fukkin fugyit ney fookin fleglegbes kine bach o’re loughlin-aghain! Ehk mon!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. 10. “What the fuck was that?”– The Mayor of Hiroshima

    9. “Where did all these fucking Indians come from?”– General Custer

    8. “Any fucking idiot could understand that.”
    — Albert Einstein

    7. “It does SO fucking look like her!”
    — Pablo Picasso

    6. “How the fuck did you work that out?”
    — Pythagorus

    5. “You want WHAT on the fucking ceiling?”
    — Michaelangelo

    4. “I don’t suppose it’s gonna fucking rain.”
    — Joan of Arc

    3. “Scattered fucking showers…my ass!”– Noah

    2. “I need this parade like I need a fucking hole in my head!”– JFK

    1. 1. “Aw, c’mon, who the fuck is going to find out?”– Bill Clinton


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