ELECTION NIGHT: Was Sharpton Drunk As A Skunk During This Live TV Interview? [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

ELECTION NIGHT: Was Sharpton Drunk As A Skunk During This Live TV Interview? [VIDEO]

“He’s not running for mayor. He’s running for president,” Sharpton added with little regard for the point he was attempting to make. “So the comparison, when he says, you have nothing to lose — which is what Trump said — he’s really talking about President Obama, who he’s hoping to secede, or he’s talking about Democratic presidents.”

The rest at Daily Caller

16 Comments on ELECTION NIGHT: Was Sharpton Drunk As A Skunk During This Live TV Interview? [VIDEO]

  1. AIDS related dementia.

    Plus knowing he’ll never see the inside of the White House again.

    And, Trump’s IRS is coming after that $50 million in unpaid taxes.



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