Elizabeth Warren Slammed on Morning Joe for Planned Parenthood Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Slammed on Morning Joe for Planned Parenthood Hypocrisy

“Stop insulting our intelligence.”

elizabeth warren

LegalInsurrection: On Monday, Elizabeth Warren took to the senate floor and made a series of bizarre accusations about the awful series of Planned Parenthood videos. Senator Warren apparently believes this is all part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to take away women’s rights.

Maybe progressives should find a different politician to clone.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough called Warren out for hypocrisy and for suggesting that anyone who objects to the horror contained in the Planned Parenthood videos is against women’s rights.

Even the left-leaning Huffington Post took notice: MORE

13 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Slammed on Morning Joe for Planned Parenthood Hypocrisy

  1. how anyone can defend this practice & frame it as a ‘woman’s rights’ issue is as sick & twisted as the Nazis & their Death Camps….
    …& shame on us for putting up with it…..we’re no better than the Commie Stalin & Mao & the Fascist Hitler in killing millions of innocents

  2. Woman’s reproductive right have been utilized approximately 65 billion times since the advent of Humans! Amazingly, women did
    it ofttimes without anything other that what mother nature prepared them to for. Only so-called modern man would deem it to be a medical issue and require billions of dollars be spent to feed the
    all-consuming health beast! Before someone chastises about the woman who died during child birth (they die during abortions too) more men have died by a factor of ten providing for the health, safety, and well-being of mothers and children! And, far less money is spent on their particular health (Prostate for one) needs than on make up and hair do’s!

  3. Ha ha! Wonderful satire, Larry! I could never skewer the callous, evil Liberal position so well with paragraphs of dry philosophical meanderings as you have with these two concise sentences.

  4. And since our progressive society bows to the idea that evolution and natural selection plays a vital role in the development of humanity, how can we not say that if a woman dies giving childbirth in a stone age childbirth scenario, that isn’t simply natural selection taking place?

    Why, that’s better for the human race!

    Oh, wait, that’s just liberal hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance.

  5. Wow, sounds almost Islamic, don’t it? Maybe this whole ‘feminists in college’ false anti-rape crap, etc., is spearheaded by CAIR in order to make “the white man” demean younger women in general in the USA.

  6. That’s the conundrum for the ‘tards. They would love to only abort MALE babies but they can’t because that would be too obvious. When they scream women’s rights and you bring up dead FEMALE babies, they claim that since they weren’t human beings they don’t have rights. Do animals have rights? They’re not human. Rut-roh. You’ve just become a racist or they will label you something…else so they can make sure no one listens to you.

    It’s like the privacy laws and your medical records. A parent can get records for any child 11 or under. Once they hit 12, the child must sign all forms and must give viewing rights to the parent. Why? Because 12 year old girls can get abortions and birth control without parental consent. But since only allowing girls this privilege would be sexist, the ‘tards had to make it apply to all 12 year old children. They hated that because boys were now on equal footing with the girls and the ‘tards hate that.

    Personally, as long as any child, adult or not, is on their parents’ health care, the parents are entitled to obtain and view the child’s medical records. They’re paying for it. If the ‘tards and the kids don’t like that, then move out, get a job, and get your own damned health insurance.

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