Elon Musk slams Biden: ‘The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter’ – IOTW Report

Elon Musk slams Biden: ‘The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter’

Fox: Tesla CEO Elon Musk, whose purchase of Twitter remains ongoing, slammed President Biden in a podcast interview Monday and warned that if the government continues printing money, inflation will get worse and the U.S. might follow the path of Venezuela.

Musk, who said he has voted “overwhelmingly for Democrats,” slammed the Democratic Party and Biden in particular. He suggested that Biden is something of an empty suit. 

“The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter,” the Tesla CEO said. “The path to power is the path to the teleprompter.”

“I do feel like if somebody were to accidentally lean on the teleprompter, it’s going to be like Anchorman,” the CEO added, referencing the 2004 film in which Ron Burgundy reads whatever is written on the teleprompter, even if it would ruin his career. more

33 Comments on Elon Musk slams Biden: ‘The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter’

  1. News Flash. Trump and Musk will never be pals. They’re cut out of the exact same clothe. And when it comes to entrepreneurial, Musk just might have more fabric.

  2. The guy impresses me as speaking his mind. This may be the first time he has deeply and critically examined his own political philosophy. He certainly is not rattling off canned talking points. I’m willing to see how he develops. As for criticizing Trump, there are things I am critical of too. Unlike the Democrat zombies, I don’t worship any politician and none of them are sacrosanct. Trump has impressed me more than any other politician in my lifetime, but when he’s wrong he’s wrong and I’ll be a son of a bitch if I am going to act like he is some kind of God and infallible.

  3. He is still slamming Trump. However in the same interview right before he announced he was voting Republican he ripped the GOP up one side and down the other. I defer to my former comment. Musks a MAGA guy. Not necessarily a Trump guy. I’m good with that.


    “The Trump administration, leaving Trump aside, there were a lot of people in the administration who were effective at getting things done.”


  5. I know it’s only a primary but I wonder if the dems sent out a bunch of mules to cheat as a dry run for this Fall?

    They may want to hone their craft & see if any snags occur before they steal the PA & other elections in November…

  6. Benito, My point is the MAGA movement would now live on with out Trump should he decide I’m done with this shit. My first post was much better. But apparently I’m posting at the speed of light. My bad. You’d think I’d learn to copy.

    Just think how much he could have done, if not surrounded by cokesmokers.
    Stabbed in the back by Pence.
    F’ed in the A by the SCOTUS.

  8. ^^^^^And just think how good the economy would have been had not the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Deep State, and the Globalist decide to release COVID on the world to try and destroy Trump. He was costing the Basturd to much money.

  9. For what its worth…

    I decided this evening to watch slightly Older country music vids of Ronnie Milsap, Brooks & Dunn, the Judds etc.

    I’m much happier than if i watched Beau Jiden & Turdeau.

    Take a break friends, once in a while.

  10. Brad, you find ONE thing, ONE FUCKING THING NEGATIVE I’VE SAID ABOUT TRUMP SUPPORTERS and I’ll send 100 bucks to iotw right fucking now.
    You fucking can’t.
    You know you can’t because you are spewing bullshit.
    Back up your argument with facts or shut the fucking lies about me.

  11. Loco
    You just got exposed dip shit. Last time we had this discussion I only mentioned Trump AND YOU TYPED THE EXACT SAME THING. AND NOW, not so much. SO go ahead and tell me again how you are not ANTI TRUMP. Remember the Cruz days and you infatuation with him and your hatred for Trump. Nothings changed.

  12. Seriously, I’m a Trump supporter & most here are too.
    JDHasty summed it up well above^^^^

    Trump picked Oz and dissed Rand Paul so I’m going to call him out.
    Sorry not sorry but the stakes are too high.
    Trump needs to think with his head and not his ego.
    He went after Ted Cruz’s wife and Cruz forgave him and kept his eye on the prize.
    Trump won’t do that, he will act in spite like that asshole Obama.
    We don’t need that shit.
    We have the biggest opportunity ahead and I don’t want us scoring “own goals.”
    Is that too much to ask????

  13. I like Elon Musk because he’s trending to be part of the Next Gen Republicans. Trump is Trump-the original-there’s no one like him. If he runs in 2024, damn straight I’ll vote for him. We need younger folks to come in now. McConnell, Graham, Romney etc… need to ride their rinos off into the sunset. People cut from the same cloth as Trump are welcome-and no one is perfect-especially eccentric billionaires.


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