Email Records Show Democrat Nashville Mayor Hid COVID-19 Data To Intentionally Inflict Economic Hardship on Bars and Restaurants – IOTW Report

Email Records Show Democrat Nashville Mayor Hid COVID-19 Data To Intentionally Inflict Economic Hardship on Bars and Restaurants


CTH: While the background story of data manipulation to intentionally inflict economic damage is stunning, the severity of the position of Nashville Democrat Mayor John Cooper is actually not a surprise.

It must be remembered this is the same Nashville Mayor who created COVID-19 internment camps to forcibly detain people in a quarantine camp at a fairground.  When one person jumped the fence to escape the police hunted him down and Nashville authorities charged him with “escaping a penal institution.”  COVID-19 was criminalized.



Two months after the internment camp incident a non-domiciled Nashville citizen named Joseph Bryant (61) was arrested for refusing to wear a face mask outside. His bail was set at $500 and he was incarcerated for not wearing a face mask.   So it doesn’t come as a complete surprise to discover the same officials hid data showing low COVID-19 infection rates in order to inflict the maximum amount of economic pain on business owners. more

14 Comments on Email Records Show Democrat Nashville Mayor Hid COVID-19 Data To Intentionally Inflict Economic Hardship on Bars and Restaurants

  1. Why wouldn’t he! The democrats, in cahoots with the Chinese, unleashed the Chi-Com virus on the world in order to get President Trump out of office and therefore they will do, say or implement any contrary policy to that end!

  2. Most of the bar owners lean right so it’s a bonus for him to try and drive them out of business.

    That’s our lovable, little human dumpling. Successor to Baby Briley and Graveyard Slut Megan Barry.

  3. This is (or should be) a HUGE story!

    I listened to John Rich, a Nashville business man who is spearheading a response to the mayor, on talk radio yesterday. What he described about this mayor’s lies and his single-handedly destroying Nashville’s music businesses are as sad as they are evil.

    I saw that TheGatewayPundit posted a fairly thorough story about this too:

    And you just know, given the tribal drumbeat across the country between Communist Democrat mayors and governors, this isn’t the only instance of Commie Dems intentionally destroying what BurnLootMurder couldn’t get to.

    Where is this country’s relief?? How many more of these senseless, destructive, illegal actions must the Commie Dems have to author before the country fights back against them?

  4. I wonder if Ben Shapiro is regretting his decision to move to Nash Vegas yet? We’re no different here than most other big cities in this country, in that they’re run by lefties. We have our share of Rino’s around here as well… I would have recommended he move to Greenback instead, but, he didn’t ask…

  5. LCD — You may be too young to remember this, but when I was growing up, we used to roll our eyes at anyone who said, “There otta be a law.” Not so sure about that, now. There otta be a law that if a public figure is caught doing something illegal that destroys a business owner’s ability to live, they must PAY out of their own assets, not the municipality for which they work (tax dollar defense/judgement). Without that, pols will do whatever they want, knowing they will never be touched for the damage.

  6. From the beginning, this vaccine has been a tool, not a threat. From the original Imperial College false model of a pandemic (Gates contributed to Imperial College for years) it has been used politically for control of vaccinations, for pushing transhumanism and Agenda 21, for political party advancement, and eventually for planet control, decrease of human populations and changing masses of humans to transhumanist cyborgs. See the Georgia Guidestones….among other things.

  7. Corky
    SEPTEMBER 18, 2020 AT 11:04 AM
    “AA—I saw John Rich on Laura Ingraham last night. Woo, he was fired up and said there would be a class action suit. We’ll see. It is worth watching that clip.”

    …sovereign immunity. No dice. And Democrat judges will say its legit on both Federal and State level, as Barr continues to investigate President Trump’s belly button lint for any sign of Russian influence.

  8. AA & SNS,
    If HizzHonor can’t be personally sued, then it sounds like time to have a party for HizzHonor……..a Necktie Party. Using a Hemp Necktie. At least 1″ diameter.

  9. I guarantee you that he did this because the national DNC told him that if he ever wanted to get backing for a governorship or a senatorial run, then he’d have to fuck his own city in the ass to do so, and he gladly complied. All to build a bullshit Trump-blaming narrative that no one but a goddamn idiot would believe anyway.

    Democrats are total fucking cunts in every possible way.

  10. Time to revive the spirit & will of 1946 Athens, Tenn., to oppose and remove corrupt politicians from office, and apply that spirit to 2020 Nashville. The second amendment’s primary purpose ain’t about hunting in the woods, it’s about hunting the tyrants in seats of power. It’s not yet time for firearms, only time for the will to rise up and get rid of the sob Mayor John Cooper. Make him eat printed copies of the covid-19 reports he tried to keep hidden from public knowledge.

    “Since the Civil War, political offices in McMinn County had gone to the Republicans, but in the 1930s Tennessee began to fall under the control of Democratic bosses…..

    In 1936 the system descended upon McMinn County in the person of one Paul Cantrell, the Democratic candidate for sheriff. Cantrell, who came from a family of money and influence ….. The laws of Tennessee provided an opportunity for the unscrupulous to prosper…..

    During the Civil War, deep from within secessionist territory, McMinn County had sided with the Union; in 1898 she had declared war on Spain two weeks before Washington got around to it. How could Cantrell have such undisputed control over a county noted for its independent and cantankerous spirit? …..

    people began to tell each other, “Wait until the (WW2) GIs get back—things will be different.”…..

    At two in the afternoon he (Bill White) had harangued the group of veterans in the Essankay, saying:
    “You call yourselves GIs — you go over there and fight for three and four years — you come back and you let a bunch of draft dodgers who stayed here where it was safe, and you were making it safe for them, push you around. … If you people don’t stop this, and now is the time and place, you people wouldn’t make a pimple on a fighting GI’s ass. Get guns….

    Opinion differs on exactly how the challenge was issued. White says he was the one to call it out: “Would you damn bastards bring those damn ballot boxes out here or we are going to set siege against the jail and blow it down!”.. ” .


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