Empty Chair – IOTW Report

Empty Chair

HT/ Petrus


21 Comments on Empty Chair

  1. When commercials are done right, you are correct, they are mini-movies. It almost cheapens it that they are about a product. BUT, without the product, who would be making these and what is the venue?

    I am a big fan of the commercials, the 2:30 minutes ones, that the South Koreans seem to be so good at.

  2. 5 sets of clothes she wore, and 5 beers she pulled before he came home. A Muslim would have beat her for not having fresh beer. A Millennial would have checked Yelp and his social network first.
    But for the white man, it was a matter of love, and honor to show up.

  3. Yeah It’s a fine patriotic commercial. Pity that Guinness pulled it’s support of the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in support of the gay lifestyle. I used to like a pint now and again, but it has been a long time.

  4. I used to go to a dive bar where a WWII veteran, with 25 plus years of service (who was stationed in England and married a British wife) sat at the end of the bar, in the same stool and drank draft Coors….He was always happy, smiled and joked with a sarcastic wit….kind of talked like Moe Tom types….always with a ready joke and a RELIGIOUS Broncos fan….after “Sarge” passed, NO ONE was allowed to sit in his chair for years….everybody knows a “Sarge”….

  5. Menderman. I play golf occasionally at West Point. Wonderful to hear the cannons roar through the mountains and see Helicopters way up in the sky drop little specks that turn out to be
    parachutes as they approach the ground. What a sight!
    God Bless our Troops

  6. I’m half way in between Cherry Point and Camp Le Juene. I get to see the Osprey’s, the Harrier’s, the Intruders, the C-135’s. The C-17’s, and many more! My biggest thrill is when I drive down the beach and see the USS New York cruising about! Her twin towers are a wonderful site to see! She once came close enough to shore that I could count the stars on her Flag with a cheap set of pocket binoculars!

    God Bless The U S Marines!

  7. O yes. Steel from the rubble of the Trade Center after the 9/11 sneak attack was used the build the USS New York. What’s she doing in your neck of the woods? She should be in the Persian Gulf, no? Oh I forgot, the CIC wants her safe at home.
    Eleven more months Bro.

  8. Since when have alcoholic beverage ads been permitted on TV again? Even though the end says, “Guinness US,” the actors don’t look/dress like Americans and the layout of the bar looks like it’s supposed to be in UK or Éirann..

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