Energy Secretary Admits White House Using Ukraine Crisis as “Urgent Moment” To Transition US to Clean Energy – IOTW Report

Energy Secretary Admits White House Using Ukraine Crisis as “Urgent Moment” To Transition US to Clean Energy


Following the familiar pattern of never letting a crisis go to waste, the Biden administration has now admitted their intent, with the opportunity Ukraine represents, is to fundamentally change the U.S. energy program to Green New Deal objectives.

As they did with the COVID crisis, it is not the actual crisis that matters, but the government response to the crisis.  That response is what triggers the fundamental change.  As noted by Keeler, “there is no reason a contained conflict on the edges of Europe should be fundamentally altering the global financial system. The hysterical overreaction is doing that, as it was intended to.” WATCH:

18 Comments on Energy Secretary Admits White House Using Ukraine Crisis as “Urgent Moment” To Transition US to Clean Energy

  1. @Brad March 17, 2022 at 11:53 am

    > Your just securing a very large defeat in the mid terms.

    Which will do… what? What changed the last time “conservatives” held majorities in BOTH houses of Congress, AND the Presidency? (And for the “no TRUE conservative” crowd… yeah, whatever.)

    Just let the youngins be slaughtered. With dignity. It’s the conservative way. (And avoids the embarrassment of foreign copium addiction.)

  2. Unfortunately physics and actual science doesn’t allow for the word “transition” to take place.

    So we cut off 600,000 barrels of oil from russia. That’s our opportunity to act on the so called crisis to transition. Right?

    What exists right now in the green/renewable/clean/zero emissions ecosphere to absorb 600,000 bpd equivalent of energy?

    Hint: NOTHING.

    This isn’t a transition TO green energy.

    This is a transition to NOTHING. You go without.

  3. @Name that tune! March 17, 2022 at 1:12 pm

    > Mother Natures designated baby factories now running the Gov’t! What could go wrong?

    If anybody answered… proved the answer… the way 2 plus 2 equals… something… would it make a difference?

  4. The progs are absolutely determined to jam ‘green’ energy down our throats, against the wishes of a majority of citizens. Sounds like a threat to our democracy!

  5. “transition to clean energy.”

    Since wind and solar are not green or renewable and produce less electricity than they require to manufacturer, install, maintain, and dispose of over a relatively short lifespan, she must be speaking of nuclear in the form of Small Nuclear Reactors.

  6. Forcing us to go green is I think a Global directive and I bet all the major players are in the bag. Maybe Russia too.

    The Ukraine war is just speeding it up. Soros is rubbing his hands together and chortling: They’ll forget Bezos, I’ll be the richest man in the history of the world.

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