Enjoy the replies to this actual tweet from verified houseplant Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Enjoy the replies to this actual tweet from verified houseplant Joe Biden

Yes, he really said this.

Well, technically, it was probably one of his interns, since Biden is a million years old and I’m not sure he knows what a “Twitter” is.

25 Comments on Enjoy the replies to this actual tweet from verified houseplant Joe Biden

  1. Biden knows exactly what he’s doing. The destruction is all by design.

    It’s going to continue until the discomfort becomes unbearable for the average sheep.

  2. Bidden’s handlers know exactly what they’re doing, but the dementia-ridden liar-in-chief keeps messing up the narrative. I mean, he has trouble reading from a, what, 40′ teleprompter?

    But agreed, this is all by design – hitting us from every side they can come up with.

    Not sure if we will make it to November.

  3. Interesting thing about the white supremacist and daughter-molester Joe Biden is that he’ll stupidly read, or try to, anything his democrat-liberal conehead writers put up on the teleprompter. Yet he’s confused as to why very few of the American people worship his dirty slovenly and obviously lying ass. With a job approval poll in the laughably low teens you wonder why eh, race-hater Biden?

  4. This is more sad and frightening than funny.

    Most of these tweets seem to still hate President Trump, still think State comtrol is the answer, and are begging the people who wrecked everything in the FIRST place to exert even GREATER stolen authority to “fix” it.

    Stalin and Lenin and Marx and Mao are probably having a good laugh at this with the devil in hell.

    And I am quite sure they WILL arrogate themselves more illegal authority to “fix this shit” because it’s an “emergency” of course.

    Which is exactly the outcome they wanted.

  5. Before he couldn’t “afford” a daily ice cream cone and now he gets 2 or 3 a day….in his reality, he “rescued” the economy and the cones prove it (and his wife, Nurse Wretched, agrees).

  6. Goebbels came to mind here too Reloader.
    I don’t feel bad for anyone who voted for Biden. They’re not smart enough to look at issues or to think.

  7. When you lose your own cheering section the games over. The Trump haters thought they were immune to the plight of the common man, but here we are, floating down shit creek without a paddle, together, with a handler controlled simpleton as coxswain.

  8. I want to know who makes up the 28% of people who think everything is splendid. No one can be that stupid. They are either so wealthy that none of this touches them or so on the very bottom rung (homeless schizoids and drug addicts) that everything seems the same to them.

  9. Sad that even the Biden supporters in those Tweets who recognize we are in trouble need to remind themselves how bad Trump “lied” etc. In other words. they can’t admit they were wrong about Trump and wrong about electing this moron-in-chief. WE are at the point where the November election is the smallest threat to elected officials.And I honestly hope I’m wrong about that

  10. …just remember that keeping you angry at the irrelevant pedophile is exactly what he’s THERE for, so you don’t notice your REAL rulers destroying your world everywhere ELSE…

    “The President in particular is very much a figurehead — he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it. On those criteria Zaphod Beeblebrox is one of the most successful Presidents the Galaxy has ever had — he has already spent two of his ten presidential years in prison for fraud.”
    Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”

  11. Close to 50% of Americans think that when PedoJoe46 breaks it and BuildsBackBetter (bbb/666)…..that they’ll be “in charge”…….

    ……those that were in Davis would be in “charge”….. worldwide 400 out of 7.5 billion….in the US 20 out of 350 million…..the wef has already chosen their leaders……

  12. …they’ll probably program Dominion to let enough RINO R’s win so the can A) claim that elections are totes legit again, and B) blame everything on “Racist Republican Obstructionists” again.

    …Elections are the *ONLY* thing Democrats will ever “fix”.

    The better to send this nation to hell…

  13. Wonder how he got around Operation Warp Speed to take credit for saving millions of lives. Notice how he started out taking credit for the jab early in his residency. things weren’t going to well back then and his handlers quickly dropped it like a hot potato. Cool, blame it on Joe, but I know different. Whoever pushes it owns it.


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