ESPN Used Fake Names to Win Emmys – IOTW Report

ESPN Used Fake Names to Win Emmys


ESPN is in deep trouble after it was reported that the sports cable network used fake names to win several Emmy awards for their College GameDay personalities.

Katie Strang of The Athletic reported that the network was forced to return awards after submitting false names in several categories, then altering the nameplates by adding the names of their stars and giving them the awards as if those stars won them.

Rules from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) precluded on-air personalities from winning Emmys in more than one category for the same show, according to Sports Illustrated. “Kirk Herbstreit could win for his work as an analyst, but he could not win an award won by College GameDay as a program,” the magazine explained. More

5 Comments on ESPN Used Fake Names to Win Emmys

  1. Back when things were normal, we use to watch the hell out of ESPN. Now, not at all. I’m convinced someone is financing certain programs/channels to keep them afloat. Probably the Chinese or the WEF. Who knows. But if you want to stay current on sports the last place you should go is ESPN. If you want to keep current on woke policies they’re the first place you should go. Someone with some money should fire up a sports channel that just covered sports. I’d probably watch. Who owns ESPN again?

  2. Disney owns 80% of ESPN, which pretty much explains why it turned to woke crap as Brad hints. Hearst owns the remaining 20%.

    I can understand the Emmy cheating: some people didn’t even get a participation trophy they felt they earned. They were too stupid/brainwashed to realize participation trophies are by definition and design NEVER earned!

  3. Uncle Al

    I think old Walt’s doing about 5,000 rpm in his grave. As kids my cousins, my brother and myself use to impatiently wait for the Wonderful World of Disney. Every Sunday night. If that show were on today it wold be one cross dresser after another licking each others crotch. Who’s making these decisions at DISNEY? They keep replacing CEO’s and nothing changes. It would be interesting to know. Who really holds the power at Disney?


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