Even the AP notices a lot of women are supporting Kavanaugh – IOTW Report

Even the AP notices a lot of women are supporting Kavanaugh

American Thinker:

Up until now, the Democrats and their media punditocracy have pushed the ‘narrative’ that female voters are all in for the sex-attack testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, despite the latter’s lifetime spotless record, and Republicans who believe Kavanaugh are likely to pay by losing the Senate at midterms, owing to all the angry female voters who will vote against them.

Well, not exactly.

Even the Associated Press has, rather astonishingly, noticed that a lot of women support Brett Kavanaugh, and these aren’t the ones who actually know him, writing:

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — As the Senate is divided on President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick, so too are women across the country.

Female voices have echoed throughout the U.S. Senate this week demanding male senators justify their support for Brett Kavanaugh’s U.S. Supreme Court nomination despite an allegation of high school sexual assault.

But other women have spent hours calling Senate offices in support of Kavanaugh, condemning what they saw as an anti-Republican ploy that’s damaged not only Kavanaugh’s reputation and livelihood but also his accuser’s.

Given that news agency’s recent record of leftist bias, a story like this, giving coverage to both points of view instead of just one, represents a seismic shift. AP found a YouGov poll that shows very marginal differences between women who believe Ford and women who believe Kavanaugh, and even found a group of women in South Carolina, who support Kavanaugh, complete with pro-Kavanaugh tshirts. Note how young those faces look in that crowd.  more here

9 Comments on Even the AP notices a lot of women are supporting Kavanaugh

  1. Today on Twitter, Salena Zito said, “Don’t think they understand the magnitude of what’s going on out here.”

    She’s the one reporter who got 2016 right. And if she’s sensing that the Democrats opened a Pandora’s box by going after Kavanaugh the way they have, I’m thinking she’s probably right on target.

  2. The Women of the U.S are watching the Democrats belittle Rape, and using Rape as a way to get what they want. This is similar to a Teen aged Girl telling her Male Proffesor She needs the Restroom during a Test, ther’es not a damn thing He can do, except to let Her go.

  3. If one were to look closely, they would see similarities to feudalism being established, and accepted, in our country. There isn’t a common man in Congress, in either house. I’m sorry, but everyone of them has benefited through their tenure there. Some less than others, but all have amassed wealth and power. And now, we see our very system of law being discarded, where innocence until proven guilty is the rule. This is being practiced by the very people who have been elected to preserve our form of government. No longer does guilt need to be proven, nor evidence provided. The very fear of accusation is replacing our judicial system. This must be how the dark ages got started. Anyone who stands up to this has my respect and support. And these women are among those fine people.

  4. Many women also see and understand the hypocrisy and double standard of the Dem party when it comes to ‘protecting’ women. I have to believe it is only the rogue leftist ideologues that proudly think men are trash. That isn’t a society decent people want to live in.

  5. Trying to find info on the internet and came up with Christine Blasey’s Pinterest page, referring to an item stating pictures of her kids were on it…..page scrubbed, but followers were not. #1 follower was listed as Phil Diwilliams. His Pinterest page was scrubbed, as well. Googled him and came up with this story from 2015. Sound familiar?

  6. @Anonymous October 1, 2018 at 9:57 pm

    > I have to believe it is only the rogue leftist ideologues that proudly think men are trash.

    Your hope, even if turning to truth, doesn’t matter.

    An army doesn’t succeed, never consists solely of, crazed heroes, looking for every opportunity to run screaming at the enemy, for personal fame great justice. It has the solid line that “only” backs the heroes, and menaces the enemy. It has the vast support structure, that never does anything as confrontational as fight the enemy — they just keep the bullets flowing to those that do. There are the medical supporters that restore the damaged fighters, to be able to fight again. And, of course, the propaganda officers, who keep telling everyone how wonderful, how noble, is the struggle, for great justice.

    Those that refuse to destroy “the rogue leftist ideologues that proudly think men are trash” — and all they have created — are in the same army, have the same allegiance. They merely play different roles.


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