Everybody Hates Bret – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Bret

NY Post:

NY Times columnist blasted by ‘nasty left’ for climate change piece.

A New York Times columnist who was “harangued” for months by “bullying Trump supporters” says he’s now being blasted by the “nasty left” — after he penned a piece about how absurd it was to blindly support climate change, without listening to both sides of the argument.

Former Wall Street Journal writer Bret Stephens has now managed to draw ire from the left after his column ran online Friday.

As a noted “never Trumper” and climate skeptic, he has seen his fair share of hate mail and Twitter trolls over the past year-and-a-half — but nothing like what he’s endured since his article was posted, he says.

“After 20 months of being harangued by bullying Trump supporters, I’m reminded that the nasty left is no different. Perhaps worse,” Stephens tweeted Friday afternoon, as the hateful messages kept rolling in.

“Go eat dog d—s,” fumed one Twitter user.

“When is the Times going to get rid of you?” another asked.

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11 Comments on Everybody Hates Bret

  1. Extremists on either side of the political spectrum, right or left, are the biggest assholes in the world, and you just have to learn to ignore them.

    Like Harry S Truman once said, “If you can’t stand the heat…”.


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