Everybody Hates DiFi – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates DiFi


BREITBART: California Democrats Refuse to Endorse Dianne Feinstein for Re-Election.

The California Democratic Party declined to endorse incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) for re-election at its annual convention in San Diego early Sunday.

The party did not endorse a candidate in the gubernatorial election, either, where frontrunners Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and former Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villraigosa are neck-and-neck. But the party’s refusal to back Feinstein is seen as an “embarrassing rebuke” to a long-time party stalwart.

It is also seen as a boost for State Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), who has lagged in the polls but has earned the endorsement of left-wing groups as he mounts a “progressive” challenge to Feinstein.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Though De León did not get the endorsement, his success in blocking Feinstein from receiving it shows that his calls for generational change and a more aggressively liberal path have resonated with some of the party’s most passionate activists.

Feinstein has never been a state party glad-hander, while De León has cultivated relationships with the party’s delegates. He still faces a significant challenge in trying to topple Feinstein, who trounces De León in all public polling and fundraising.  MORE

21 Comments on Everybody Hates DiFi

  1. My problem with this: She wasn’t far left enough for them.

    If they support someone more normal, in a conservative way, I’ll acquiesce that this is a good thing.

    Not holding my breath. The Dem party has no boundaries as far as I can tell. Why would I ever presume a conservative lean?

  2. She’s just not crazy enough for them anymore. They need a whole new extreme level of treasonous retard. Whoever they elect will be even worse, even though that hardly seems possible.

  3. She has cheek bones going for her. That’s it.

    I think her hair is awful, agree with organgrinder. organgrinder – do you go around harvesting organs from unsuspecting people while they’re still warm? Asking for a friend.

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