FAKE NEWS CNN Plants Ardent Lefty on Panel as a Guy Who is Regretful Trump Voter – IOTW Report

FAKE NEWS CNN Plants Ardent Lefty on Panel as a Guy Who is Regretful Trump Voter

8 Comments on FAKE NEWS CNN Plants Ardent Lefty on Panel as a Guy Who is Regretful Trump Voter

  1. Gee. the Press did this 75 years ago. Must have been good as they are still at it!

    FAKE NEWS started when FRD was President- maybe sooner, I was too young t know- nothing has changed.

  2. I’ve heard these callers to Levin, Hannity, Bob Grant, etc as far back as I can remember. Rush said a long time ago the leftists have seminars where they would teach their brown shirts how to disrupt and cause havoc by calling into talk radio shows.

    Of course the biggest gimmick and easiest to spot was the regressive calling up pretending to be a GOP supporter who was leaving the party because the GOP had gone in the opposite direction.


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