Fake News: Media, Democrats Distort Remarks to Target Jeff Sessions – IOTW Report

Fake News: Media, Democrats Distort Remarks to Target Jeff Sessions

Breitbart: Democrats and the media are once again targeting Attorney General Jeff Sessions — this time, over allegations that he met twice with the Russian ambassador during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The Washington Post reports that Sessions met Sergey Kislyak once at a Heritage Foundation event in July 2016, where other ambassadors were also present. It also reports that Sessions met with Kislyak in his Senate office in September, in his capacity on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The hook on which the Post attempts to hang Sessions is that he did not disclose the meetings to the Senate when he was asked about “possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow.” Sessions’s spokesperson at the Department of Justice, Sarah Isgur Flores, says his answer in January was truthful because he was asked about “the Trump campaign — not about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee.”

The Post does not provide the full transcript of the question, from Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), and Sessions’s answer. Instead it summarizes the exchange in a way that makes it seem that Sessions was asked if there was any contact at all between the campaign and representatives of the Russian government.  more here

24 Comments on Fake News: Media, Democrats Distort Remarks to Target Jeff Sessions

  1. Franken won his seat by fraud – over 300 felons illegally voted – more than Franken’s winning margin. THAT should be investigated. How did a failed “comedian” become a Senator.

  2. A New Yorker Magazine editor & political writer just happened to be interviewed for an hour on NPR this evening puking buckets of Russians in American election interference and WELL INFORMED anonymous sources. In fact the political writer absolutely knows what is going through Putin’s mind. Meanwhile Obama was just sitting back ready to spring the trap on Trump. There is extremely suspicion of POSSIBLE evidence of Trump’s VAST Russian “connections”. The STORY will be in the NEXT issue.

    I listen to the enemy so you don’t have to.

  3. Since when is it against the law or unethical for government officials to speak to an ambassador to the U.S. from another country?
    The Mpls. Star and Sickle newspaper is headlining this trying to make that dickhead Al Franken look good.

  4. They are going to try to wipe the Address to Congress right out of the news cycle with this garbage. The attempt to change the narrative is so glaringly obvious that it’s an embarrassment to watch them make their breathless accusations.

    You know they’ve been saving this up for weeks just for an emergency.

  5. Our cabal of elected officials are now calling for a special prosecutor to investigate some alleged lie telling. Great, I suggest a permanent cadre of Special Prosecutors’ to investigate all elected officials to determine and punish all lies they make, and most especially during their political campaigns!

  6. @MER March 2, 2017 at 8:33 am

    They didn’t have to. They just cc’d them all of Hillary’s emails (even yoga and cookies). They also cc’d China, Israel, Lichtenstein, and two 400 pound dudes named Candy.

  7. THIS was the No 1 story on all 3 ntwks this a.m. They are going to pull some crap out of their ass every damn day. Trump needs to investigate the fraudulent media and destroy it before it destroys him.

  8. This is the perfect time for someone, anyone in the Trump org to stand up and throw this back in their face by naming everything the crooked dems have pulled since bill “cigar” clinton.

  9. After having solved all their nation’s problems and with nothing else to focus on, the Mexican news pundits and expert analysts are targeting with laser like focus on this new shock development in the Trump admin. Funny how giddy and excited the fools are with this nonsense. It’s Trump 24/7 while they ignore the mass murders, poverty and corruption. Yes,I live in a border community and can watch the Mex news…interesting stuff.

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