FakeHateCrimes.org – IOTW Report

13 Comments on FakeHateCrimes.org

  1. It is certainly true that people tend to focus more on what they believe. So while I tend to believe most of these high-profile stories are hoaxes, others tend to believe that the hoaxes are rare.
    Of course I think I’m right. And that those who think hoaxes are rare tend to not follow up on stories. Unless they are about a GoFundMe to build the wall, of course. 🙂

  2. “Looks like there are more hoaxes than actual crimes.”

    And that will continue to be the case until legislation is passed and put into law to charge those who pull this shit and have them receive the same sentence that the “crime” they reported caries and prosecutors get tough with the assholes.

  3. No kidz, we ain’t living in the 50s anymore, or the 60s or the 70s, etc. but that’s what they would have us believe! Once we’ve had a Black President, there’s nothing left to do… except make shit up, and the media is only too happy to feed the monster with lies and fabrications!
    (if it bleeds, it leads)
    So everything becomes “racist”!
    Our enemies also find that this so-called “racism” is a great way to divide and destroy the nation and we’re handing them the implements of destruction they need on a silver frickin platter!!

  4. Bubububut! They were all done to “raise awareness”, so that makes it all OK.

    Are all you shitkickers aware now?

    I’m completely aware these be some sick sonsabitches would do this.

  5. It’s hard to practice confirmation bias when you can’t find any confirmation — so you make it up. I’m just thankful to God that my brain doesn’t work that way. What a world.


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