FBI Director James Comey: Put Tape Over Your Webcams, America – IOTW Report

FBI Director James Comey: Put Tape Over Your Webcams, America

“You do that so that people who don’t have authority don’t look at you. I think that’s a good thing,” said Comey, hitting on possibly the creepiest way to deliver that advice.

Who does have “authority” to look at you through your webcam?


Breitbart: During a conference at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, FBI Director James Comey stood by his advice to put tape over computer webcams, calling it a “sensible” privacy precaution, on par with locking your doors at night.

The Hill reports Comey acknowledging he was “much mocked” for delivering that advice earlier this year, in part because the FBI was fighting a battle with Apple over digital privacy at the time (and ultimately “won” the battle by paying hackers to crack the secure data on the iPhone used by San Bernardino jihadi Syed Rizwan Farook.)

A selection of the mockery Comey endured can be found at the UK Daily MailThe wittier examples note that Comey’s FBI has complained about the danger of giving consumers – and, by extension, terrorists – access to communications that cannot be cracked by law enforcement under any circumstances, and a webcam blinded with tape is an example of precisely such an uncrackable device.  MORE

23 Comments on FBI Director James Comey: Put Tape Over Your Webcams, America

  1. SOOO endearing to know the latest heir to J Edgar Hoover is more concerned with peepshows than prosecuting the Bitch of Benghazi. Warms the cockles of one’s heart eh? Getting a nut is a bigger crime than killing our military and ambassadors, fomenting ISIS in the sand block, and protecting Hilldebutt’s ass. I hope they arrest this imposter of justice, and serve him up to the firing squad as guilty of treason.

  2. Comey is more concerned about our right to privacy, after all the unauthorized tapping of phones, surveillance and home invasions the FBI has subjected upon legal and honest citizens?

    Given he sold the US National Security and Justice System out on the most sensitive leak of National security information by Hillary….this is really rich Comey.

    Is this part of your PR campaign to recover your “professionalism, non-partisanship and integrity”?
    Another Failure, bub !

  3. I’ve had mine taped over for awhile. I have net protection and make sure that the available safeguards are turned on but I know that there are some pretty sophisticated coders out there and if you let your guard down and they are trolling for sites they can get in and lay down code that gives them control until your next system scan with the latest virus files. Some of these will turn your cam on, take the entry out of the system resource view facility and make sure the little light is off. Now I trust nobody is going to want to watch me swilling back coffee or chowing down on a Big Mac while my dog glares at me but hey, it takes all kinds.

  4. i go one further. I never bought a webcam, nor will I. I make sure what i do buy has no embedded cams in it. I also never leave equipment running and on unless I am with it. What i don’t have is safety from the Feds who break laws and violate constitutional protections. The only equipment i know to protect us from that is “President Donald Trump”.

  5. It’s ok.. your phone, and lately your computer listen to and analyze every word you say, every day 🙂 After all, they stand ready to help you so you need this! What could go wrong?

  6. ” people who don’t have authority”

    The FBI has established itself as a criminal organization now. They confirmed it when they let Hillary get away with crimes that anybody else would be locked up for.

    So Comey can go (please forgive the profanity, ladies) fuck himself with a water moccasin.

    Authority comes from the People, and Comey has lost his forever.

  7. I got one of those little trinkets from the fifties where you look in one end and there’s a naked lady in there. They ought to like that one.
    I wonder if I could get rich making little dioramas with dinosaurs and volcanoes to go in front of the camera.

  8. Already ahead of you. I just put a small photo of my junk on the camera. Hackers have what they’re looking for but don’t see anything I don’t want them to. Everbody wins.

  9. “Funny he did not mention the cameras on smartphones. Deflection or is the phone the FBI peepshow domain?”

    My Canadian import friend will not use his company’s iPhone for those reasons. Has a cheap flip phone to talk to me that he still doesn’t trust, but it doesn’t have a camera on it.

    Occasionally when we are texting I will interrupt with: “And now for a PSA break. – FUCK THE NSA! We now resume our regular plotting against a tyrannical govt.”

    I tease him from time to time over this. Not like we can do much about it except use paper cups and strings. And leave the phones at home – but what fun is that?

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