FBI seizes NYC Mayor Adams’ phones in fundraising investigation – IOTW Report

FBI seizes NYC Mayor Adams’ phones in fundraising investigation


The FBI seized New York City Democratic Mayor Eric Adams’ cell phones this week as part of an investigation into his campaign fundraising efforts, a source has told CNN.

Adams campaign attorney Boyd Johnson confirmed to the outlet that he “immediately complied with the FBI’s request and provided them with electronic devices” after the bureau requested them on Monday evening.

“The mayor has not been accused of any wrongdoing and continues to cooperate with the investigation,” Johnson added. more

11 Comments on FBI seizes NYC Mayor Adams’ phones in fundraising investigation

  1. “Investigators are looking into whether the 2021 campaign secretly worked with the government of Turkey to receive illegal foreign contributions…”

    Oh, you mean like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Hillary? Who does Garland think he is fooling?

  2. I guess the upitty negro thought he could play with the big boys; he must have forgot the 10% for The Big Guy. Since DOJ is now all about campaign finance integrity, maybe they can go after all those politicians who accepted contributions from George Soros.

    Side bar: Isn’t a black man named Eric considered a “cultural appropriation”?

  3. Adams thought he could go to DC and embarrass Biden over his treasonous immigration policies. Instead, while Adams was in DC the people actually running the government were in NYC taking down Adams’ fundraising machine and probably Adams himself. Ya don’t mess with the deep state, even if you’re a democrat.


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