FBI “Small Group” Key Figure, James Rybicki, Quits – Here Comes The Lois Lerner Maneuver – IOTW Report

FBI “Small Group” Key Figure, James Rybicki, Quits – Here Comes The Lois Lerner Maneuver

Conservative Treehouse: James Rybicki [Hi, Jim] was former FBI Director James Comey’s chief-of-staff and retained that position under current FBI Director Christopher Wray (more on that later).

Rybicki was the key figure in circulating and coordinating the “Clinton Exoneration Statement” read by Director Comey.  For Clinton endeavor Rybicki was the hub collecting and dispatching communication as the ‘talking points’ were constructed, edited, refined and ultimately finalized.

Additionally, Rybicki was the communication hub surrounding the Clinton-Lynch ‘Tarmac Meeting’ discussion points that led to public statements therein by the FBI and ultimately Loretta Lynch’s public statements about distancing herself from the investigation.

Also, James Rybicki was listed as one of the key witnesses requested by Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes as outlined in the letter of agreement between Nunes and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.   James Rybicki was/is being questioned by Nunes et al.

So today, James Rybicki quits.  MORE

8 Comments on FBI “Small Group” Key Figure, James Rybicki, Quits – Here Comes The Lois Lerner Maneuver

  1. It’s interesting seeing all the Loyal Citizens — it seems especially popular among The Party’s appartchiks -– shouting “Finally! We’ve been telling you this for years.” For years they “knew” how corrupt Obama was. For years they “knew” how corrupt Hillary was. And now law enforcement gets to join in the fun. The fun of a bit of reality TV –- well, YouTube for now, but wanna’ be Heroes of The Party can dream –- of being proven right. That their brethren are the engine of the corruption. Well, not their brethren, of course. That guy – over on that side of the office. Not me. I’m just following orders.

  2. “Chris Wray is an expert in prosecuting ‘white collar’ crime. He is a ‘Machiavelli Tracker‘, a pro wolf hunter. A very smart man. Hence, his nomination and his role…Director Chris Wray knows the key to capturing the fish is to keep them within the distance of the casting net. Keeping the “small group” participants within government, yet under full control, is a part of the strategy.”

    And now Rybicki is out of the net? I’m not seeing the 3-D chess here. And I never trusted Wray any farther than I could throw him. Somebody help me out here. I have the flu, so I’m not doing my best thinking right now.

  3. Rod Blagojevich must be shaking his head in disbelief while watching this democRAT freak show. His buddies have committed more crimes than you can shake a stick at while he sits in prison. Just goes to show ya how dumb he really was.
    Time for a Nelson Muntz “Ha Ha”!

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