FEC commissioner warns Dems are gunning for conservative media – IOTW Report

FEC commissioner warns Dems are gunning for conservative media

WE: A key Federal Election Commission Republican warned Wednesday that liberals are moving aggressively to “amend the First Amendment” so that conservatives are silenced and businesses are chased “out of the democracy.”

In some the toughest criticism leveled at Democrats, Commissioner Lee E. Goodman said that the attack started once the Tea Party changed American politics in the 2010 election and now dominates the politics of the Left.

“It has triggered a very aggressive movement by people to amend the First Amendment, left intellectuals have placed it on the table,” Goodman said on Boston’s Howie Carr show.

“The general tenor of the Left in American politics today has certainly spoken out against First Amendment rights. It has been a reversal over the last 50 years,” he added, citing FDR Democrats who defended socialists and communists.  MORE

7 Comments on FEC commissioner warns Dems are gunning for conservative media

  1. This is why the Obama is giving away the Internet; free speech is still free but access to a forum to express it is controlled and restricted offshore.

    It is similar to getting health insurance but no health care, the right to bear arms but without ammo, a low unemployment rate but 94 million not working. See how it works?

  2. Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…”
    but the Left will do what they can via the Executive Branch to regulate the hell out of it anyway.

    Treat totalitarians as totalitarians deserve to be treated.

  3. Welcome to the New Communism of Unnecessary, Over-Reaching, Over-Bearing, Out-of-Control, Dictatorial “Regulation”, now with insane Bathroom Rules for Radicals, sanitized transcripts for yer “protection”, a fuckton of Corruption, where someone can always be found guilty of something and you’ll be issued a certificate from the Re-Education camp to speak the party line.
    I can see Venezuela from my house… in Ohio!

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