Fifth Accuser: Army Vet Claims Al Franken Groped Her in 2003 – IOTW Report

Fifth Accuser: Army Vet Claims Al Franken Groped Her in 2003

Breitbart: Army veteran Stephanie Kemplin told left-wing CNN Thursday that Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) groped her breast in 2003 while the two of them took a photo together. At the time, Kemplin was stationed in Kuwait during the Iraq War. The married Franken was on a USO tour.

“When he put his arm around me, he groped my right breast. He kept his hand all the way over on my breast,” Kemplin told CNN. “I’ve never had a man put their arm around me and then cup my breast. So he was holding my breast on the side.” She said Franken held his hand there for at least 5 to 10 seconds.

Kemplin is now the fifth woman to accuse the Democrat of touching her inappropriately. All four of Franken’s previous accusers also claim that the groping occurred while taking a photograph with the disgraced senator. One of the women, though, Leeann Tweeden was asleep when the groping occurred, also during a USO tour.

Two of Franken’s accusers claim he groped them at campaign events while Franken was either a sitting senator or running for that office.


14 Comments on Fifth Accuser: Army Vet Claims Al Franken Groped Her in 2003

  1. GIVE ME A BREAK! I’m starting to feel sorry for Franken.

    The dramatic tabloidism is even too much for me now

    In one of multiple lengthy phone calls with a CNN reporter this week, Kemplin repeatedly broke into sobs.

    GROW THE HELL UP! You were NOT anally raped with a barbed condom. The guy touched your precious flabby breast for a few seconds snowflake!

    She MUST be telling the truth! She’s CRYING isn’t she?

  2. Optometrist Prime — It didn’t happen to you.

    I got snagged by a guy who I’d known as a business friend for about five years and at one point I was contracting for him at a well-known company. We were close friends — my husband and I had been on ski trips with him, had him to our house over the years, etc. Totally unexpected. He grabbed me in the elevator and tried to plant a big wet kiss on me while telling me how “it would be okay.” I forgave him for his lapse of boundaries. Then shortly after that incident – like 45 minutes! – he moved in on me again at another venue!! I stood up, called him a philanderer and haven’t talked with him since. I do remember spending that afternoon feeling shocked, stupid, sad, incredibly angry and tearful. It didn’t go on for years, but even recalling it now makes my skin crawl and it makes me very sad that while I thought he was my friend, he was sizing me up for conquest. And I’m not the kind of woman who “gives signals” or flirts.

  3. …I could have ruined his career and walked out of a lawyer’s office a rich woman. He was a senior officer in the HR department of a major national company. He got off pretty easy.

  4. This is so like brain-dead libs. Spacey gets taken down and the whole of the left thinks all ‘politicians’ who are dirty old men have to go, too. Because Hollywood is real life and all.
    Keep it up, libs. Well, maybe ‘keep it up’ isn’t the best phrase to use in these cases.

  5. “Franken held his hand there for at least 5 to 10 seconds”

    Would she have been court-martialed for slapping his hand away like most of us would have? The man was a pig and should have been slapped down a lot more than he was. I guess there are a lot of these guys you can say that about. 😛

  6. AA, Bill Clinton’s standards were breathing and moving, either of those, or any combination thereof, and you were fair game. He would screw a snake is to get someone to hold the head to prevent a venom injection.

  7. The guy’s a pig.

    Credibility goes down if they don’t have the courage to speak up at the time. So now it’s MOB RULES, they suddenly feel safe to come forward?

    This is the difference between men and women. If there was a 3rd gender, twice as strong as men, and they took advantage of us, we’d fight back, grab a knife, a gun, or get a couple of buddies together to even the score no matter what.

    Women cry.

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