First female soldier in Green Beret training fails to complete the course – IOTW Report

First female soldier in Green Beret training fails to complete the course

WT: The first female soldier to participate in the Army’s initial training for the Green Berets — side by side with men — failed to complete the course, The Washington Times has learned.

The enlisted soldier is the first woman to attend U.S. Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection, the first step toward earning the Special Forces name and the coveted green beret.

Since Defense Secretary Ashton Carter opened all combat jobs to women in December, a number of female troops have applied for direct combat roles from which they had long been banned. No woman has achieved the qualifications to become an Army Ranger or Green Beret, a Navy SEAL, a Marine Corps infantry officer or an Air Force parajumper, among other combat specialties.

The first woman to try out for the 75th Ranger Regiment failed to complete the course this month, The Army Times reported. Three female soldiers have completed the Army’s Ranger School but not the qualification for the special operations Ranger regiment.  MORE

18 Comments on First female soldier in Green Beret training fails to complete the course

  1. OK, I can see giving them a shot at Rabger School. But Seals or Green Beret, are you kidding me. I’m not bad mouthing women athletes because I know a lot of good ones. Gat a couple past Ranger School then let’s talk. And honestly if I’m a young guy you better prove you can carry my wounded ass out of trouble and squeeze that trigger with out regret. Otherwise, stay home.

  2. She wasn’t in “Green Beret training”, that’s referred to as the “Q” course (SFQC or SFOC for officers in my day). She was in SFAS which is an assessment program to weed out those having no chance in hell of completing the Q course.

    10th SFGA alumnus

  3. Just so you folks know: Ranger school is a leadership school. It’s not RASP. Anyone in the US military can attend Ranger school. Army officers, especially new ones, get fast tracked through it. Serving in Ranger Batt means you’re a Ranger. Almost all Rangers are tabbed, but many who are tabbed are not Rangers.
    –An old Infantryman

  4. Ah come on now lads, for fuck sake, give the little girl a break.
    We got a new army commin’ and she may be in command. Unless some transgender beats the shit outta her. Gimmeafuckenbreak!

  5. There are Rangers and people who graduated Ranger School (tabbed). Tabbed “only” are Ranger Qualified, but are not Rangers. BTW, if you have a scroll and you’re not tabbed you’re probably a stud who got a DUI and got stuck with the rest of us grunts.

  6. No Brad. Ranger School is the leadership school. Graduating Ranger School does not make you a Ranger. Army Truck Drivers can, and have graduated Ranger School. Serving in a Ranger Battalion means you’re a Ranger.

  7. Women aren’t passing the course and failing to become Green Berets? Hmmmm, looks like we will just have to lower the qualification standards for women, we cant have a bunch of sexists in the Army, now can we?

    This is what Barak Obama is telling the Joint Chiefs right about now.

  8. DACOWITS is an ongoing FAILED exercise in feminist political correctness. It’s going to get our soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen killed in a real-world battle.

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