Fisking Abject Moron S.E. Cupp – IOTW Report

Fisking Abject Moron S.E. Cupp

Here’s S.E. Cupp’s idiotic Townhall article where she says a Hillary presidency, instead of a Trump presidency, is preferred because it will save us from 50 years of Hillary-like presidencies and will preserve the Republican party. 

Hit yourself on the head with a hammer, rinse, repeat, in order to get on the S.E. Cupp wavelength. It’s your only hope of understanding this bint’s logic.

No third-party candidate has ever won the presidency, but some have been disruptive enough to cause considerable consternation for the other parties.

Quick, name a frontrunner in the democrat or republican party that was ousted by their party and was forced to run in another?

Famously, in 1992, Ross Perot had the best popular vote showing as an independent, winning 18.9 percent but no electoral votes. More closely aligned with Republicans than Democrats, he is regularly blamed — or credited — with George H.W. Bush’s loss to Bill Clinton.


S.E. Cupp and her resume’.

Another memorable election was 1856, when the Whigs disintegrated and two new parties formed to compete against the Democrats. One was the Republican Party, and the other was the anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic American Party, better known as the “Know Nothing” movement. Their candidate, Millard Fillmore, finished third to the Republicans’ John C. Fremont and the eventual winner, Democrat James Buchanan.

It’s this calculus that understandably has Republicans worried that Donald Trump, currently the Republican frontrunner, will decide to jump ship and run as an independent

Trump has said he won’t run as an independent if he loses the republican primary. You, and other jerks like you, are the ones trying to manipulate the system with threats and schemes.

— or more likely, as the first candidate of the newly formed “Trump Party” (copyright pending).

Good one! (eye roll)

If he does, he’ll most likely pull enough votes away from Republicans to ensure a Democratic victory.

That prospect may have the Republican National Committee and Republican strategists biting their nails down to the quick, but as a conservative


who would very much like to see a Republican win the White House again in the future,

There’s your problem, right there. Conservatives aren’t buying what the republican party is peddling anymore.

I’m increasingly thinking this is the best thing for the party, even if it means a certain victory for Democrats.

A 4 year continuation of Obama policy and SCOTUS picks by Hillary is more acceptable to you than a Trump presidency? And it’s because he said “let’s put a moratorium on this green-lighting of Muslims” after a terror attack by a woman who came here with a visa filled with false information?

You’re working for the other side, aren’t you?

To be clear, Hillary Clinton is an equally terrifying prospect. But if Trump wins the nomination and runs as a Republican, we’ll have Democrats like Clinton in the White House for the next 50 years.
Nice scare tactics. Which orifice did you pull this out of?

Trump actually is leading a modern-day “Know Nothing” movement. His anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim hatemongering are at least out of the 1850s if not the Middle Ages, and it has no place in today’s Republican Party.

Hate mongering? (It’s 2 words, dear.) Maybe it’s love mongering, as in, Trump loves the American public and wants to keep them protected. Remember what Obama said, “we have an immigration system that is broken.”

We do.

Devout Muslims who hate America relish the idea of coming here. San Bernardino proves we, currently, cannot separate the wheat from the chaff. When we can, we will lift the moratorium. That okay with you, Queen Cupp, arbiter of “who we are!”?

His ideas are usually unconstitutional, un-American or un-conservative —

Cite the unconstitutional ideas.

How can Trump be un-American when so many agree with everything he says? Wait, are you counting the progressives, the GOPe and the newly naturalized Muslims?

You cannot speak for conservatism. You are not a conservative.

and very often an alarming hat trick of all three. Whatever group he claims to represent should have to embrace his dimwitted and divisive proposals without the imprimatur of the Republican Party or the conservative movement. And Republicans shouldn’t have to defend religious tests, internment camps or Eisenhower’s “Operation Wetback” just because Trump and his goon surrogates do.

His “dimwitted” and “divisive proposals” will win the presidency. You know it’s true because you’re very, very concerned.

Democrats are convincingly using Trump to paint the entire Republican Party as racist, xenophobic and misogynistic.

Many democrats are planning on voting for Trump. Which democrats are planning on voting for your candidate? And who is that, by the way, John McCain?

The damage Trump has already done to the Republican brand is immeasurable.

The Republican “brand”? What is the Republican brand? I don’t think Trump has damaged that brand, because “choosy mothers choose Trump.”

The Republican brand was damaged before Trump. That’s why there is a Trump.

A Republican nomination would be disastrous for years to come.

But a Hillary presidency would be less disastrous? Go back to sleep.

But it’s not just the Republican brand he is shredding to smithereens. It’s also America’s. His suggestion that we ban Muslims from entering the country obviously didn’t go over well with our Arab allies,

Who gives a sh!t? We have no loyal Arab allies, you big dope. If we had loyal Arab allies they’d be taking in the refugees. But they’re not. They’re shuffling them off to us. With friends like these…


but it didn’t go over well with our European ones either.

You mean our European allies that are controlled by uber-progressive heads of state? These are the people that are deeply disappointed in us? GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a giant infected bint.

British Prime Minister David Cameron, who rarely comments on U.S. presidential candidates, condemned the remarks as “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong.”

The Prime Minister who is currently sinking his entire country in a sea of Islam? That guy?

Just shut up and go clean your intellectual glasses.

A petition in Britain to ban Trump has earned 300,000 signatures. From France to Germany, his rhetoric received swift rebuke.

BY PROGRESSIVES AND ARABS!!!!!!  What is wrong with you?

Most chilling, in Israel Trump earned comparisons to Hitler. “For some Jews,” wrote Chemi Shalev in Haaretz, “the sight of thousands of supporters waving their fists in anger as Trump incided against Muslims … could have evoked associations with beer halls in Munich a century ago.” A German headline read “How Donald Trump is Betraying America.”

Haaretz??????????? HAARETZ??????? Are you kidding Cupp? Haaretz is the Israeli al-jazeera. In a cage match between Netanyahu and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Shalev is shouting Allahu Akbar.

And who wrote the headline in Germany? The Muslim who’s just taken over the German newspaper?



For years Republicans have rightly bemoaned President Obama’s weakening of America’s standing abroad. Trump’s boneheaded bombast is not the answer.

Let the voters decide.

There’s another good reason to hope Trump runs as an independent. It would finally give our Republican candidates a chance to be heard. Whether it’s Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina or Chris Christie, the other contenders have some smart, practical and, most importantly, conservative ideas to solve the country’s biggest problems. Wouldn’t you like to hear some of them?

We heard Rubio, Christie and Fiorina. What do you think we are, stupid? How dare you. Just because we don’t wear horn-rimmed glasses doesn’t mean we’re not as smart as you.

Just imagine a debate between Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio, for example. I bet Rubio would actually look pretty great next to those two. So would Christie. Or Fiorina. At the very least, in those cases there would be an actual Republican on the stage representing conservative values, instead of a charlatan carnival barker pretending to.

Which is more conservative-

-Fiorina’s nearly top to bottom bad review on Conservative Review

-Rubio’s amnesty

-Christie’s punishing business tax rates, his progressive judiciary picks, or the appointment of the Superior Court Judge who did fundraising for Hamas?

After I have floated this idea publicly, some have suggested that ceding the White House to the Democrats to save the Republican Party from Trump means I’m now supporting Hillary Clinton. That’s nonsense.

Well, who would be winning the white house if shenanigans forces Trump to go 3rd party, a move you’d applaud?? What am I missing here?

Obviously, I and millions of other Republicans would support the Republican nominee.

Sure you will. You’re going to help Trump win. You’ll help him like the guy who shaves your ankles in order for the electric chair jolt to be optimized.

But Donald Trump’s near-nihilistic determination to destroy the Republican Party shouldn’t get any more help from Republicans. I know it’s a painful prospect — but we may have to lose this one to ever win again.


Even after what I wrote about Christie, Rubio and Fiorina, I’d never go on a temper tantrum if they started leading in the polls and write an article saying that a Hillary presidency would be preferred for the “good of the party.”


33 Comments on Fisking Abject Moron S.E. Cupp

  1. “Democrats are convincingly using Trump to paint the entire Republican Party as racist, xenophobic and misogynistic.”

    Oh yeah, just NOW the libs have started calling Republicans names. Because of Trump. They have been falsely calling Republicans racist and misogynistic for a loooong time now. And that only frightens progtards like yourself.

    JEB! is not going to win. No matter how many leftists you can dig up to try to prove your insane points to help the elitists. You need to deal with that chica.

  2. I cannot seriously consider an editorial or political opinion from a so-called media professional who wears skin tight clothes. Professional women dress for business.

    She needs a dress code lecture.

    You guys have already puked on her opinion, well done. I hope you got some on her shoes.

  3. what a dunce. She’s obviously figured out an easy way to make a good living by being a token conservative. Not super difficult if you’re a young female. Just ask Meghan McCain.

  4. The Rinos have been whining about Ross Perot for long enough. He peeled votes from both D and R, as Trump is doing. How do the Rinos explain their other 5 defeats. Yes, when they only beat Gore by 500 votes, that’s a defeat.

    Enough already.

  5. I promise, if Trump jumps ship and goes 3rd party I’m voting for Cruz.

    Currently, if I vote, I’ll most likely go for Trump – mostly because he’s a big asshole that the democrats and liberals hate – just like me.

  6. She knows how to rock the “dirty librarian” look. This much is true.

    Without the costume and the makeup and the tight tops, she’s just another ginger nerd with a soft melon.

    In other words, if she was a dude, she wouldn’t even be reading the weather in Terre Haute.

  7. I had no idea she self identified as a conservative. I’ve always dismissed her as a dimwitted progressive. Guess her conservative views don’t ring very loudly in my head.

  8. Okay, let’s just cut to the chase. You’re FLAT!!! You’re FUCKING FLAT!! And “GOD WON’T FIX THAT”!! (not that you believe or anything…) The single empty Cupp…stands alone.

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