Five Professors Who Ran Afoul Of Cancel Culture On Campus – IOTW Report

Five Professors Who Ran Afoul Of Cancel Culture On Campus

Campus Reform

As we’ve reported extensively at Campus Reform, professors across America are facing mounting pressure to fall in line with the Left’s “Social Justice” movement. While it sounds nice, oftentimes, supporting “social justice” means supporting socialist, Marxist policies and organizations. 

Increasingly, those within academia who fail to wholeheartedly support such movements are labeled “racists” and “white supremacists” and fired or suspended by their institutions. 

Here’s a list breaking down some of the most egregious examples of professors being discriminated against because of their unwillingness to support the far-left social justice movement.  More

5 Comments on Five Professors Who Ran Afoul Of Cancel Culture On Campus

  1. Sue those responsible through the floor.

    Here is something that the bastards haven’t considered. When they violate a person’t civil rights it opens them up to personal liability and they can be held civilly liable for their actions.

  2. “While it sounds nice, oftentimes, supporting “social justice”…”

    No it doesn’t.

    There is either justice in a society or there is not. Justice cannot exist in a metaphysical state. ‘Social Justice’ is a newly coined term of discrimination.

  3. No Worries, from articles which I have been reading, there is going to be a “wholesale slaughter” of staff on college campuses because of COVID-19. There just is no longer the need for an advanced degree in basket-weaving, gender studies, black studies, women’s studies, whatever. No one is willing to pay large amounts of money for courses in which the lecture is delivered “on-line”.

    Balance is being restored.


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