Flashback of Liberals who denied the Crisis at the Border – IOTW Report

Flashback of Liberals who denied the Crisis at the Border

Bongino: In what is perhaps the media’s greatest act of hypocrisy this year, they’re finally acknowledging that there’s a crisis at the border. The only problem is, this comes only after spending the rest of the Trump presidency mocking the president for acknowledging the same.

Liberals wanted to deny that there was a crisis at the border in an attempt to deflect away from the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the border. Now that our immigration enforcement is completely overloaded and unequipt to control the extent of crossings and process individuals (especially with the rise in those crossing with children), liberals have apparently decided that they’re A-OK with the “crisis at the border” narrative, but only to suit their preferred political spin.

Byron York has assembled a lengthy list of politicians and pundits who denied a crisis at the border. They’re quoted and listed below:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the situation “a fake crisis at the border.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called it “a crisis that does not exist.”

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said, “There is no crisis at the border.”

House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries said, “There is no crisis at the border.”

House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Eliot Engel called the situation “a fake crisis at the border.”

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said, “There is no crisis at the border.”

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, said, “We don’t have a border crisis.”

Rep. Lloyd Doggett called the situation “a phony border crisis.”

Rep. Earl Blumenauer called it “a fake crisis at the border.”

Rep. Sanford Bishop called it “a crisis that does not exist.”

Keep reading and you’ll see some of your favorite “Republicans” on the list.

2 Comments on Flashback of Liberals who denied the Crisis at the Border

  1. In the same vain as “I take full responsibility”… so what? If liars telling everyone they lied, means that everyone is then obligated to continue paying said liars to lie, some more, again, for ever and ever, amen… then why should anyone of the everyone, care? Oh! That’s right. We might “decide” to bribe them to retire. When they were scheduled to retire. In the peaceful transition of power. At the ballot box. Where we can select between the liars the liars deem worthy to replace them lie to us about our choice.


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