Florida Dem Party Leader Whines Over Chick-fil-A Voter Registration Drive Event – IOTW Report

Florida Dem Party Leader Whines Over Chick-fil-A Voter Registration Drive Event

Breitbart: An upcoming voter registration drive event held by the Supervisor of Elections for Pinellas County in central Florida is catching a lot of flack from Democrat groups and the head of the Democratic party of Pinellas Country.

Supervisor of Elections for Pinellas County Deborah Clarke is coming under fire for holding nine voter registration drives at various Chick-fil-A locations around Pinellas County. Susan McGrath, head of the Democratic party of Pinellas Country and also the leader of the Stonewall Democrats, sees this move by Clarke as partisan. McGrath compared Clarke’s voter registration to the Democratic Supervisor of Elections holding a voter registration drive at Planned Parenthood. Highlighting the lack of transparency on the part of Clarke, McGrath pointed out that she [Clarke] would have been more transparent if she held the voter registration drive at the Republican Party Headquarters.  MORE

12 Comments on Florida Dem Party Leader Whines Over Chick-fil-A Voter Registration Drive Event

  1. Chik-fil-A is well known to place values before profits.
    The democrat party is well known to place politics before the nation’s interest.

    The democrat registration efforts are conducted at cemeteries, inner city indigents and registering alzheimer patients at nursing homes.

    That is transparent.

  2. Chick-fil-A is not democrat or republican, the Left just hates them because it is a very successful company, the food is better than anything a leftist could cook up, and the company was started by a Christian who had enough respect for the Creator to close the stores on the Sabbath.

    Clean up that democrat voter fraud before you go accusing others.

  3. And another reason to frequent that restaurant!
    There is a franchise at the mall food pavilion near my office. I usually go once a week for lunch. What is funny is the other places have NO lines and the Chic-fil-A has a line 20 people deep continuously through the lunch hour.

  4. I’m felling oppressed and disfranchised by the assumption and statements made by Ms McGrath. Feeling the wrath of McGrath. Who is being partisan here?

    The short version:
    Donkey says “Eeyore eeyore eeyore”

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