Florida Doc Offers Free Testosterone Check If You’re Even Thinking of Voting For Hillary – IOTW Report

Florida Doc Offers Free Testosterone Check If You’re Even Thinking of Voting For Hillary

He says low T can cloud judgment.

12 Comments on Florida Doc Offers Free Testosterone Check If You’re Even Thinking of Voting For Hillary

  1. any male that even considers voting for illary already has their balls in a lock-box … & when they’re served up on a platter the waiter will admonish, “Oh no, you’re not expected to eat them … they’re just a garnish”
    Low T for illary! … Timma Kaine ~ Prime Example #1

  2. Well, perhaps low T can cloud one’s judgment but something much more important can go well beyond clouding one’s judgment and that is low information.
    Which is sometimes pacified with money and/or threats.

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