Florida: Muslim who illegally overstayed student visa caught with ammo in hotel, storage unit – IOTW Report

Florida: Muslim who illegally overstayed student visa caught with ammo in hotel, storage unit

CreepingSharia: Well-vetted, like tens of thousands of other Muslims in the U.S. on student visas. Source: Middle Eastern Illegal Alien Arrested with Ammunition in U.S.A.

rehaif arrested in florida

Federal authorities have arrested a 25-year-old illegal alien from the United Arab Emirates who allegedly had stockpiled ammunition in his hotel room and in storage unit.

Federal authorities arrested 25-year-old Hamid Mohamed Ali Rehaif, who is a citizen of the United Arab emirates on the federal charge of possession of ammunition by an unlawful or illegal alien, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Florida confirmed.

The illegal alien from the United Arab Emirates had been been living in a hotel  for more than two months and paying $11,000 in cash.  read more

8 Comments on Florida: Muslim who illegally overstayed student visa caught with ammo in hotel, storage unit

  1. muslims need to be in a database that triggers actionable intelligence

    if you are a peaceful muslim, you won’t trigger a red flag, no worries

    but for us to not focus on this segment of the population is insanity,unless we are dead set on losing

    they need to be treated differently than others, period

    we are in a serious situation that requires drastic measures, like when we dropped two nukes on japan to stop the war

    by the time we get serious about the safety and security of our citizens, it may be too late to do a damn thing about it

  2. Well, I can’t destabilize and destroy America without … well, DESTABILIZING and DESTROYING America, now can I?

    You fuckin dummies, go back to sleep …
    I got it all under control …

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