Florida School Board Keeps Policy Pushing Male Coach To Supervise Undressing Girl – IOTW Report

Florida School Board Keeps Policy Pushing Male Coach To Supervise Undressing Girl

The Federalist: The Federalist: In November I reported on a Florida transgender school policy that resulted in demanding that a male athletic coach supervise an 14-year-old girl undressing in the boys’ locker room, without informing the boys’ parents. The policy was written by a school district employee who refers students to outside organizations that may, without their parents’ knowledge, provide HIV-resistant drugs to minors for risky sexual encounters.

Last week, objecting parents packed the Pasco County School Board’s regular meeting and filled the public comment period. Each received three minutes for comments, after which the board adjourned with zero action on the matter, and no indication of any future action.

Male middle school P.E. teacher Rob Oppedisano, who objected to this policy after boys came running out of the locker room in confusion when they found a girl in their private space, says in return he received employment threats from the school district.


During his public testimony on Jan 15, Oppedisano also said he complained to his administrators that such a policy, besides being morally wrong, would open the district to lawsuits. For example, a male teacher in the district was recently arrested for recording a video of a female student changing her shirt.

“I mentioned that no girl should be taking off her clothes in front of these young boys or grown men, both her privacy and the boys’ privacy needed to be protected,” Oppedisano said in his public comments. “I mentioned that parents needed to be informed. [The school district’s lawyer] told me that only the female student had any rights, and the parents would not be informed.”

As to concerns over the school being sued, Oppedisano says the district lawyer’s response was: “We are the largest employer in Pasco County. We get sued all the time. It’s no big deal.”

He says the lawyer also told him he was the only person in the district to oppose the new transgender policy. He says he was also told that for objecting he could lose his job and teaching certificate and “never teach in the state of Florida again.”   MORE

15 Comments on Florida School Board Keeps Policy Pushing Male Coach To Supervise Undressing Girl

  1. Engelburka Engelburka,
    Because we mere mortals have no more rights to know that than the parents had a right to what evil, leftist, (but I repeat myself) filthy ideas their own children were being exposed to.

  2. In the first link, it shows this-

    “It appears Pasco schools adopted their transgender policies with no notice to their elected school board, parents, or voters. Instead, they were implemented after the district hired Jackie Jackson-Dean, a school psychologist, as a LGBT liason. Her website lists her as the “primary author of the school district’s [LGBT] best practices guide,” which names her as its”lead content developer.” That guide says transgender pronouns, locker room, bathroom, dress code, and sports access are a student’s “right.”

  3. Dude just needs to declare he’s a muzzloid. Controversy over. A Jew or Christian can be pummeled out of a job. Muzzloid has instant immunity. If he’s black and a muzzloid? Double immunity.

    Handicapped? Triple dog dare immunity.

    deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean hardball.

    Allahu Woo Hoo Bare titty ahkbar baby.

  4. WTF, “only girls have any rights”? No, fucktard, that isn’t how any of this works.

    If my child went to that school I would yank him out so fast the building would spin.

    Boys are getting fucked over in this country and they have been for years.

  5. Friends, we are long overdue for a good old fashioned tarring and feathering of the Goddamn low life’s who think they are our betters. If the dirty motherfuckers think that could never happen, I’ll bet their French like minded assholes thought that they could get away with anything they tried ramming down the throat of those they look down on too. They just might want to take a good long look at what is going down in Europe and consider what they are seeing very carefully.

    The French are all twisted out of shape over a lot of shit and the motor vehicle fuel bullshit is just what lit the fuse. I’m here to tell you that if they think screwing around with our daughters is not playing with fire then they have a lot to learn about life and if they think that is the least bit funny they just might find out that they do not have a lot of life left to learn it in.

  6. Our local school district is afforded the “courtesy” of reading the “reporters” note/article before publication. 3 minutes speaking by the OWNERS of the school district, is just white noise to the yes men on the school board who kowtow to the propagandist superintendent. Wonder why there are literal mobs attacking Catholic children. Public school psy/ops. Bill Ayers is accomplishing his evolution. More accurately a devolution. The devils in the details in these schools. The propaganda is THICK, surprise! So what is public knowledge is always shared by the kids. BELIEVE them.

  7. Faggots fuck everything up. That’s why ancient civilizations told them to keep their fucked up lifestyles to themselves. Because now we’re all seeing what happens when they don’t. It’s insanity on parade.

  8. This is so backward it is laughable. If this coach was caught sneaking into the girls locker room to watch the girls and did not claim to be trans gender. He would be Fired, not allowed to teach again and placed on the sex offender registry.

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