Fluke: I’m Willing to Pay the ‘Personal Cost’ – IOTW Report

Fluke: I’m Willing to Pay the ‘Personal Cost’

Just not the financial ones- right, precious?

Truth Revolt

Sandra Fluke wins the Ironic Tweet of the Week award, and it’s just Tuesday.

Fluke told her Twitter followers she is willing to skip the easy path and fight hard, no matter the “personal cost”:

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35 Comments on Fluke: I’m Willing to Pay the ‘Personal Cost’

  1. Go easy guys. Just because she travels all over the world doesn’t mean she can afford $9.95 a month for birth control.
    (Though I would guess most months she lacks any peril of getting pregnant).

  2. To think that leftists have used a WHITEY from the NAGS, National Association of Gals h/t Rush, to promote dependency on the federal government to control her parts.

  3. So she doesn’t seem to understand that a financial cost is a personal cost since she’ll fight to have the public pick up the cost of her personal birth control.

    That’s cost redistribution.

  4. Fluke

    Old English floc (“flatfish”), related to Old Norse floke (“flatfish”)

    fluke (plural flukes)

    A flounder.
    A trematode; a parasitic flatworm of the Trematoda class, related to the tapeworm.
    Ex: The man had become infected with flukes after eating a meal of raw fish.

    Related terms:

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