General Flynn lawyer says ‘even more stunning’ evidence to come – IOTW Report

General Flynn lawyer says ‘even more stunning’ evidence to come

General Michael Flynn tweeted a video that spoke volumes without using any words in the stunning aftermath of the release of damning handwritten FBI notes showing he was framed.

As his attorney revealed there was even “more coming,” Flynn shared a telling 12-second video of an American flag that set off a virtual standing ovation on Twitter following the release of unsealed FBI notes which showed the crooked intentions of the agency when the former national security adviser was ambushed in an interview in January of 2017.

His son reportedly was not surprised by the revelations as he said he “knew my father was set up from Day 1.”

The bombshell revelations in the newly released documents revealed a perjury trap set up by the FBI, as one of the handwritten notes read: “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute [Flynn] or get him fired?”

Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell indicated that more documents were coming. more here

SNIP: I hope Sidney Powell runs for president in 2024.

11 Comments on General Flynn lawyer says ‘even more stunning’ evidence to come

  1. The dominoes are starting to tumble. The slow unraveling of the deep state- Clinton-Bush-Obama corruption is why it is critical in their minds that President Trump be defeated in November. They will stop at NOTHING, as evidenced by the WuFlu destruction of our economy. Widespread cheating in the election via mail-in ballots, vote harvesting, motor-voter, no I.D., etc. Be prepared, it’s going to get uglier.

  2. So tired of “more to come”.

    Christ, the investigation to overthrow our democracy and drag us through 3 years of impeachment talk was started on a fraction of this.

    Pull the damn trigger already.


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