Fmr. McDonald’s CEO: Human workers can’t compete with robot replacements – IOTW Report

Fmr. McDonald’s CEO: Human workers can’t compete with robot replacements


FOX Business:

Former McDonald’s USA CEO Ed Rensi said regulation will force restaurants to turn to technology to make a profit.

“Not only is the minimum wage an issue but health care, rights to work, overtime hours, government regulation—if you look at the mounds and mounds and mounds of regulation that comes from the local, federal level it’s almost impossible to do business and make a profit,” Rensi told Stuart Varney on Varney & Co. Friday.

Rensi pointed out how Amazon has begun to use robots in its fulfilment centers.

“Look at what’s happening in retail with Amazon. Automation and robotics are going to start replacing people and they’ve got to become more efficient to make a profit,” he said. “There’s too much invested in quick service restaurants around the world across the United States. Too many dollars invested in fixed properties—[they have to] do something and that something they are going to do is automate and try to reduce the amount of labor and labor content.”  MORE

15 Comments on Fmr. McDonald’s CEO: Human workers can’t compete with robot replacements


    A natural byproduct of it is that companies can’t afford to bother with it anymore. Kiosks have been around for a while, it’s natural that businesses would just invest in them and leave the human element out of it.

  2. These are the teething pains of moving to the cashless/money less society they showed us in Star Trek. Too bad a shitload of the population will have to die off before it works correctly.

  3. If the government would step out of the way and stop over-regulation and grubbing for tax dollars to piss away a lot of firms would still be in business employing a lot of people. The wages would lower then raise according to what the market would bear and a fair profit and fair wages would be possible.

    In the case of McDonalds the real loss would be the chance for a lot of kids to learn a good work ethic early in life that would hold them in good stead for their whole lives. It’s amazing how we still keep electing a lot of these people who have no idea how capitalism actually works and don’t really give damn either.

  4. Low wage jobs have a legitimate role in society. McDonald’s advertises itself as “America’s Best First Job”, not “A Family-Raising Living Wage for Flipping Burgers”. And they are great first jobs, a place to learn how to do the “work” thing, and to learn why and how to grow into something better. Another thing of value being crusaded out of existence by SJWs.

  5. I imagine one of the big driving forces pushing franchise owners into automation is that these kids entering the low wage force have absolutely zero social skills, even with their fellow employees, let alone the general public. They freeze and look at you like you’re the guy in their dreams who has arrived to rape them.

    Daddy issues.

  6. Automation was already around the corner before the SEIU phucked over entry level kids. SEIU action only sped up the process. For good measure, those who develop automated products should home in on jobs that would adversely affect the SEIU the most. The country cannot afford the damage the SEIU causes.

  7. I will say, I’ve never had customer service better than a phucked up Amazon order received, I was amazed, and I live over seas.

    Waiting for the new Wendy’s to open on Nav Base this year, I’m willing to bet it’s self serving now that Barky proclaimed all minimum wages on federal bases will be $15 an hour, that took hold in January.

  8. Thanks to AI, we may be looking at a future where most people will simply be useless to the economy, except as consumers. The transition isn’t going to be pretty.

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