Follow Up: Missouri Executes Killer Turned Transexual – IOTW Report

Follow Up: Missouri Executes Killer Turned Transexual


The Missouri Department of Corrections carried out its execution of Amber McLaughlin early Tuesday evening. She was the first openly transgender inmate to be killed by the state.

The execution was carried out at 6:39 p.m. at the Eastern Reception, Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre, Missouri. McLaughlin, 49, died via lethal injection. She was declared dead by 6:51 p.m.

On Jan. 1, 2023, McLaughlin submitted her last statement to the DOC: “I am sorry for what I did. I am a loving and caring person.” McLaughlin signed the statement as Scott. Ending

14 Comments on Follow Up: Missouri Executes Killer Turned Transexual

  1. Whenever I read about these kinds of stories I am always saddened by the apparent ruination of the lives of everyone involved. I’m pretty naive’ about the world and, in many ways, I’m glad that I am. I cannot imagine any child, as they come along in the world, thinking to themselves, “I want to grow up to abuse a woman, then rape and murder her, and then I want to change my sexual identity and then be executed.” What a world.

  2. It is kinda disgusting to hear the media openly lie. It is like listening to a person who fled the Soviet Union telling how they would hear reports of bumper crops during a famine and know it wouldn’t be corrected. This man killed a woman, he was never and will be a woman. The media adds insult to injury.

  3. “Openly transgender” seems like over-explaining.

    Was there a closeted transgender inmate executed previously in Missouri that they’re trying to distinguish this one from or … what?


  4. Misguided and confused, but still one of God’s children.
    Hopefully he got straight with the Lord before he crossed that bridge.

    But – in terrestrial terms – he got what he deserved – though far later than necessary.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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