Foreign Volunteers Signing Their Own “Death Warrants” In Ukraine – IOTW Report

Foreign Volunteers Signing Their Own “Death Warrants” In Ukraine

National Pulse

Foreign nationals traveling to aid Ukraine’s war effort are reportedly being duped into signing indefinite service contracts. The Ukrainian Army has denied such allegations while failing to provide evidence of military contracts stating otherwise.

As the nation’s war with Russia broke out, the International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine was been [SIC] formed, with people from around the globe welcomed – and encouraged – to join the fight. At the beginning of March, Ukrainian President Zelensky announced to his Telegram channel that 16,000 foreigners (the number is now estimated to be 20,000) had volunteered. More

10 Comments on Foreign Volunteers Signing Their Own “Death Warrants” In Ukraine

  1. Lots of well-intentioned fools being duped in cannon-fodder by the mendacious Ukraine government and Western media propaganda. They’re now praising the “Three Day Wonders”, civilians who get three days of training, then are called soldiers and handed a weapon. This desperate butchery recalls the Volkssturmers defending Berlin from the Russians in 1945. Only now, it’s foolish bravery and Javelins instead of Panzerfausts to turn the tide.

    The Ukrainian government is as corrupt and dishonest as Russia’s, but the GloboNATO blob may top both of them for sheer rottenness. . Rumor has it that Zelensky and Putin had come to terms, but that the Western cabal is preventing an accord. If true—and that’s a big “if”—Zelensky’s puppeteers may have more blood of their hands than anyone.

  2. Thirdtwin – I also said it elsewhere – they are cannon fodder. Well-meaning, but cannon-fodder. Imagine being used as unsuspecting decoys to draw Russian fire so that the Ukrainians can locate the Russian positions. And then being praised for bravery and sacrifice, posthumously of course.

  3. Any NATO pilot who enters Ukrainian air space, should a no fly zone be established is also from signing their own death warrant .. not necessarily from Russian pilots, but from their AA missiles. Anything but F-22’s and F-35’s will be target practice. Russians have always been the best at rockets and missiles

    Remember, the USSR was the first into space, because their rockets were superior to ours

  4. Ukraine wants foreign nationals killed, that way the country of origin is more likely to enter the war on Ukraine’s side. There’s little wonder why Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries.

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