Former Baltimore Dem Mayor Catherine “Ooh, you can smell the rats” Pugh Indicted On 11 Counts – IOTW Report

Former Baltimore Dem Mayor Catherine “Ooh, you can smell the rats” Pugh Indicted On 11 Counts


Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh (D) was federally charged Wednesday with 11 counts of fraud, tax evasion, and conspiracy as part of an alleged scheme related to her sales of a self-published children’s book series. More

13 Comments on Former Baltimore Dem Mayor Catherine “Ooh, you can smell the rats” Pugh Indicted On 11 Counts

  1. Being a known criminal in the Democrat’s Baltimore is
    actually a plus to many of its population. 100,000
    out of 600,000 are in jail, on parole or have a record.
    If she is tried in the City the jury

  2. She’ll be punished by only allowing her to keep half of what she swindled. On top of that she won’t be allowed to run for another public office for 30 days. That’ll teach her!

  3. Being a known criminal in the Democrat’s Baltimore is
    actually prideful plus to many of its population. 100,000
    out of 600,000 are in jail, on parole or have a record.
    If she is tried in the City, the jury, and/or the
    judge Will Not let her go to jail for any length of time.
    Baltimore juries are famous for agreeing before the trial ends to never convict another black.
    After all; “They’s jes tryin ta feeds their fambly”.
    And no; I did not make that up.

  4. “The indictment alleges Pugh used longtime friend Gary Brown Jr., 38, to create a fake paper trail of business expenses to avoid paying taxes. Brown has pleaded guilty in the case.” Uh-oh.


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