Former Bushie tells MSNBC that FOX is a ‘propaganda network’ – IOTW Report

Former Bushie tells MSNBC that FOX is a ‘propaganda network’

Breitbart: Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” former Bush strategist Steve Schmidt called Fox News “a propaganda network.”He continued, “It exists in an alternate reality. It spews forth daily a toxin into the American body politic. It purposefully monetizes division in the country.”

He added, “So, when you see Fox News hosts routinely now calling for senior officials at the Department of Justice or in the intelligence communities to be locked up, the daily assault on institutions, the rule of law, the use of completely crazy alternate reality conspiracy theories as justifications for all of it—we’ve never seen in any of our lifetimes an American television—ostensibly a news network, do something like that.” watch

19 Comments on Former Bushie tells MSNBC that FOX is a ‘propaganda network’

  1. Dude musta been comatose for the 8 miserable years of Obola.

    The propaganda was so thick you could wipe your ass with it.

    Another lying liar lying about lies.
    More smoke for the generally foggy confusion.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Let’s talk about alternate realities. From MSNBC we learned:
    – Men sometimes get pregnant.
    – A white woman can actually be black because she feels like it.
    – “Hard Working” is a racist phrase.
    – Donald Trump doesn’t have a chance at being President.

  3. Pot, meet Kettle!

    Still waiting for somebody to finally settle the debate. Are Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddog one in the same, pretending to be a beta male and lesbian on two different shows or are they in fact two different people, but separated at birth?

  4. So this guy was a senior campaign consultant for G. W. Bush, McCain and Schwarzenegger. He was one of the ones that stabbed Palin in the back and crippled the McCain campaign (which may have been a favor to the country). Yep, with this guys track record and I’d sure pay attention to his diatribes about Fox News. Maybe he’s trying out for a job with CNN or MSNBC.


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