Former CIA Officer to Face Jail in Italy, Claims Hillary Clinton ‘Abandoned Her’ – IOTW Report

Former CIA Officer to Face Jail in Italy, Claims Hillary Clinton ‘Abandoned Her’

LawNews: A former CIA officer alleged to have been involved in the now notorious botched “extraordinary rendition” of Abu Omar in Italy in 2003 claims the Obama administration, and specifically, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, abandoned her as she faces the possibility of a jail in Italy.

Sabrina De Sousa was convicted in absentia by an Italian court in 2009, along with almost two dozen other suspected CIA officers and one Air Force officer, according to Fox News.  De Sousa is currently in Portugal where she awaits possible extradition to Italy where she faces a four-year prison sentence.  If she is extradited to Italy and jailed, she will become the first U.S. CIA officer to serve time in prison over the controversial rendition program.

De Sousa’s former attorney, Mark Zaid, told Fox News that De Sousa was highly critical of Clinton.  According to Zaid, his firm made “multiple efforts” to contact the State Department during Clinton’s tenure on DeSousa’s behalf, but “every time [they] were completely rebuffed with silence.”  It was during Clinton’s tenure that De Sousa was convicted in absentia and she claims to have looked to the State Department for help to clear her name.  Zaid accuses the State Department of “deceptively” classifying one of his letters “to limit his ability to create a public furor over how Sabrina had been and continues to be mistreated.”

At the time of the rendition back in 2003, DeSousa was working under diplomatic cover in Milan, but claims she was with her son on ski-trip over 200-miles away from Milan on the day of the operation.  more here

7 Comments on Former CIA Officer to Face Jail in Italy, Claims Hillary Clinton ‘Abandoned Her’

  1. She should feel fortunate that she isn’t dead.
    A bunch of people who put their faith in the Clinton State Dept. and the Obola Administration are DEAD! From Amb. Stevens and the brave Americans who tried to save him to Brian Terry and hundreds of mexicans to the Egyptians who fought against the moslem brotherhood to the Libyans who rose against Ghadaffi, only to be stabbed in the back to the Syrians who took the bait to overthrow Assad to the hapless chinks on Malaysian Air 370 who died of an NSA spook operation.

    Good luck, lady.

    “Betrayal is based on Trust.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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