Former Democratic senator says party has left behind ‘white working people’ – IOTW Report

Former Democratic senator says party has left behind ‘white working people’


Former Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) said “there is an aristocracy now that pervades American politics” and rebuked his party for leaving behind “white working people” to embrace identity politics during an interview Sunday on NBC News’ “Meet the Press.”

Webb, who ran in the Democratic presidential primary in 2016, lamented that his party doesn’t “have a message” to offer ordinary Americans.

“On the Democrats, first of all, they’re looking at 2018. And they don’t have a message,” Webb told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd. “But there is an aristocracy now that pervades American politics. It’s got to be broken somehow, in both parties, I think. I think that’s what the Trump message was that echoed so strongly in these flyover communities.”

Noting that his party has “moved very far to the Left” over the past several years, Webb said that ideological shift left voters particularly receptive to President Donald Trump’s outsider message and appeal to working-class voters.


11 Comments on Former Democratic senator says party has left behind ‘white working people’

  1. The Democratic party tried so hard to be the party of the “little guy” that they forgot who the little guy actually is: he/she knows what sex they are, they love their nation, the want a better life for their children than they had; they want a safe place to live, and most of all, they just want the government off their back so they can enjoy a little bit of freedom.

  2. What clued him in? The kill whitey signs and protesters? Perhaps the pink hatted feminazis? Or maybe the democRAT embracing BLM? Someone please put Mr. Jim Webb van Winkle back in his hyperbolic chamber.

  3. Jim Webb is on record stating that his biggest mistake as a Senator was voting for Obamacare. He is right about that mistake, and he’s right about the Democrat Party turning its back on white working people. Democrats don’t have room for moderates like Webb anymore. We should be thankful for this development.

  4. From my conservative, law-abiding, tax-paying, white, working class point of view, the Republican Party didn’t do much to protect my interests for the last decade, either.

    And if we didn’t elect Trump, which was done against the wishes of most GOP leaders, I would consider both Parties absolutely worthless.

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