Fox News Continues To Disappoint – IOTW Report

Fox News Continues To Disappoint

Palmieri Report:

The success of Fox News has long been its distance from the Mainstream Press. Americans tune into Fox to get away from the lies and distortions of the Mainstream Media. Sadly, they have gone full RINO.

From Newsweek:

In an interview with Fox News Sunday hosted by Smith, Brooks again promoted this perspective, as the journalist cited polling data and questioned him over any possible reforms he would support.

“The minimum age in your state to buy an AR-15, like the one the school shooter used in Uvalde, is 18 years old. There’s no waiting period between the time a firearm is purchased and when its turned over to the buyer. There’s no license for the sale of ammunition. Gallup does find that a majority of Americans, 52 percent of them, are in favor of stricter gun laws when it comes to the sale of firearms,” Smith told the lawmaker.

“So, to the majority of Americans who feel that way, you say what?” the Fox News host then asked.

Brooks pointed out the issue with polling: more h/t Brad.

32 Comments on Fox News Continues To Disappoint

  1. Fine, raise the minimum age to buy a weapon to 21, but also raise the minimum age to vote to 21 at the same time. Yeah, but…but…but, you can join the military at 18! OK, if you are in the military, you can vote and buy a gun at 18.

  2. I’m tired of hearing the stupidity of
    “stricter gun laws” which will accomplish NOTHING.

    Btw, the left loves the idea of counterfunctional
    laws which harass law abiding people.

    Why not propose something that will actually work
    such as BOLD DETERRENCE.

    Has anyone noticed there are no mass murder attempts
    at football stadiums, baseball parks, hockey arenas etc?

    That’s because of Bold Deterrence in the form of well
    patrolled, well armed personnel ready to kill anyone
    who whips out a firearm.

    In schools it would be well armed security officers
    ready to do the same. But of course, the smellocratic
    party is against that.
    And they’re against that because it would work.

    Thank you Schmuck Chomper, Lousy Puh-Lousy,
    Taffyhead Biden !

  3. Haven’t watched the traitorous Fox News since they called Arizona for Biden, before the polls we’re closed.

    Our governor Doug the Douchebag just vetoed a great bill that would cleanup voter rolls. Goodbye Arizona where the midterms are concerned.😢

    Forget about Fox News being Rino’s they have turned full Commie when they start demanding gun control. 😡

    What do you have to say to that HANNITY? 🤔

  4. Another reason why I don’t own a TV. Recently stayed in a hotel for 4 days, TV stayed off. Didn’t hear about the Uvalde shooting until 2 days later, overheard someone talking about it.

  5. “stricter gun laws”

    Last time I looked, breaking into schools and killing children is ALREADY illegal, as is shooting randomly outside of a school for 12 minutes before a Federal plant opens a door for you, during which time a police response, said to be within 4 minutes, should have long since cut him down.

    Laws are for the law abiding.

    This guy clearly was not.

  6. The AR-15 is a gussied up standard carbine of years before 1980, generally wood stock. Without all of the lipstick, the older rifle style has been demoted to 22LR and ranch rifles. However, if you outlaw the AR, the Left will include the carbine,some shoot .224 etc…. In short, all rifles will be illegal as will ammo for pistols. Count on this. Ratcheting down to .22 caliber guns, shotguns and spears. A great win for the Left and now they can go after the .22 market through lawsuits until , without a gun control law, you can still buy a pop gun if you can find a manufacturer plus your required $4 thousand annual insurance bill…so, the 2 Amendment still applies, or so goes the propaganda..if AR15s are illegal, so is gun ownership. Then, the Purge and slavery can begin.

  7. FOX?

    Tucker has Kathrine Engelbrecht on to talk about election fraud and she’s forbidden to mention 2,000 Mules?

    Bill Barr is on Greg’s show and is given a tongue bath and not a word about voter fraud?

    Is it any wonder real news sources like Highwire, War Room, Emerald Robinson, Laura Login…are my go toes.

    And Hannity? Are you kidding?

  8. Never like Smith.
    She seems like she is probably not a very nice person to work around.
    She’s as dumb as a box of rocks too.
    Just because you can read a teleprompter and do what the earphone is telling you doesn’t make you smaht.

  9. The owners are the owners and they aren’t us. Allegiance to the correct group, the other owners, is paramount. Playing around making people believe various things is the point of media and nothing can be seen to be real that is presented in ownership media.

  10. Don’t forget who helps control the narrative at FOX. Paul, I’m a big pussy, Ryan. During the first couple months of the Trump Administration there were a plethora of Pro 2A bills written. Paul Ryan tabled them all.
    I just read on Breitbart that they’re having talks on gun control at the White House today. Among the participants are heads of state from foreign countries. Tell me that school shooting wasn’t a false flag. The full court press is on now and our guys are folding like cheap suits.


    When GWB and his puppet BHO were pushing RomneyCare 13 years ago only 2 far left “news” said 90% approved of RomneyCare. CNN and Fox. the rest all said MOST wanted it. Regan hating Fox was trying to denigrate the Reagan folk who put Romneycare on the Ks ballot. A year later the real poll showed 75% WERE AGAINST ROMNEYCARE!

    My gym has CNN and Fox side by side – twice.Not an accident. They both cover the same thing about 80% of the time. Sometimes the camera feed is the same on koth. Today CNN and Fox both covered Jo in Tx and Jo with NZ

    Fox has always been liberal! Sometimes Rep;ublican; but liberal Re;publican not conservative.

    as MIS KITTY points out RIGHTLY above Fox called the Jo election weeks before others.

    Since CNN fired J LORD – YEARS AGO – they may have moved a little to the left of
    Fox. But the side by side showing at my gym says the diff is very small.

    Fox has long been distant from the MSM but as RomneyCare showed 13 years ago – FOX HAS BEEN MORE LIBERAL THAN THE MSM!
    Palmieri does not say, BUT CLEARLY IMPLIES, Fox has recently gone liberal. No so! Fox has been BUSH REPUBLICAN at least 20 years!

  12. The only law/restriction I would create new to add to the current plethora of gun laws already passed (but which are never/seldom enforced), add a question on the Form 4473;
    “Are you now, or have you been within the past year, under the supervision of a physician who is prescribing/had proscribed to you psychotropic drugs (to include, but not limited to xxxx, yyyy, zzzz, etc) Yes/No. If the answer is yes, then you are proscribed (i.e., can’t buy) from purchasing a gun until one year from the time your physician stops prescribing psychotropic drugs to you. The penalty for lying on this question is Five Years imprisonment and/or up to a $50,000 fine.”
    Make a short, easy way for a doctor to add that information to the NICS, and easily remove it again when the patient has finished his/her/its treatment & is safe & sane enough to responsibly own a gun.
    The LibTards want a “sensible”, enforceable gun control law? Well, there’s a suggestion right there. And it only affects the drug addled, not the sane, sober, non-drugged up gun owning citizen.

  13. Someone should tell the AR 15 grabbers that the ole USSR stamped out hundreds of millions of semi auto to automatic Kalashnikovs in the form of AK47s to AK74s to AKMs. Make “weapons of war” illegal, you’re going to create the biggest black market ever

  14. Never work! Too many mentally ill people who refuse to get help. As a republican, I’m fine with our younger adults getting assault weapons & killing children. Anything we do will just make it harder for rest of us to get weapons that we desperately need.

  15. MauryP

    As a Republican I’m more than fine with guarding our children with those same weapons. If you think you will even make a dent in the availability of weapons with ANY legislation you are dumber than dog shit.
    MauryP, What was the deadliest school massacre of all time? Here’s a hint, not a shot was fired.

  16. There’s a couple school massacres that don’t get much attention. Maybe the worst was in 1927, a bomb and fire at a school in Michigan. Another horrific massacre was in 1993 in Waco, Texas, although many don’t consider the attack on the Branch Davidians an attack on a school there were about 30 kids that died there and they were being home schooled. I say that was a school massacre.

  17. Waco was second-23 murdered children, both suffocated & shot and 2 murdered pregnant women.

    Oh wait, FBI/ATF mass shootings in schools doesn’t count. My bad.

  18. Total death count of murdered children and adults at Waco was 76, easily surpassing Bath except that pesky FBI/ATF asterisk*

    *when it’s the Feds doing the killing, it doesn’t count


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