Fox News Stock Downgraded as Viewership Nosedives – IOTW Report

Fox News Stock Downgraded as Viewership Nosedives


Wells Fargo downgraded Fox Corporation stock on Monday as Fox News’s viewership continues to decline.

In May, ratings for the news outlet took a significant dive after host Tucker Carlson left the network, according to Breitbart News.

“During its 8 p.m. hour, the network has dropped from a three million viewer average to a 1.65 million viewer average since the departure of Tucker Carlson,” the article said.

Now, Wells Fargo has deemed the corporation Underweight, and Yahoo! Finance reported Monday that analyst Steve Cahall said there were “ecosystem risks” surrounding the news outlet. more

11 Comments on Fox News Stock Downgraded as Viewership Nosedives

  1. With CEO’s more concerned about their “Woke” scores rather than paying dividends to their shareholders, why would anyone participate in the Stock Market?
    I got out seven years ago.

  2. “ecosystem risks”

    Is that business-speak for,”We are such doofi (plural for doofus) that we fired our top-rated anchor for ideological reasons and thought our audience wouldn’t notice, now reruns of Gilligan’s Island are smoking us in the 8 to 11 spots.”?

    You know, I thought it would be harder to give up Gutfield……….it wasn’t.

    And check out this beauty today, Tucker just ended Pence’s political aspirations;

  3. They think they can keep their viewers just by being a little better than their MSM alternatives while not realizing that there is a third alternative called the “off” button.

  4. Truth be known, they’re just singing the “party” line. It appears that those in DC, be it Republicans or Democrats, want the status quo. Republicans play pretend and strut and crow about how bad the Democrats are yet never do anything to resolve important issues. They all feed at the same trough. None of them seem at all concerned, sincerely, with the problems the Democrats have created with their leftist policies.

  5. Revolver had a good article this morning about how Bud Light could salvage its brand;

    Interesting tactic, but I don’t think it would work. Anheuser-Busch InBev cut its own throat by prominently displaying its woke politics on their sleeve, no amount of donated money will fix this. Complete and utter capitulation is required, a thorough non-ambiguous retraction replete with groveling and a declared commitment to reverse course 180, that is the only thing that will save them. That and axing the CEO, what an idiot.


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