France: Man struck with ax after offering charity to muslim couple – IOTW Report

France: Man struck with ax after offering charity to muslim couple

“They hate us, we get spit in the face…” she lamented. “I thought to offer some of my time and my person to respectfully relieve the misery of people really in need, and I found myself faced with 90% of foreigners demanding their due and insulting me.”

MWN: A bleeding heart leftist runs a soup kitchen, handing out free meals, clothing, and other assistance to the poor, namely migrants from Islamic countries. However, as soon as he decided to offer a simple gift to a Muslim couple, they showed him that the item was offensive enough to butcher him alive.

The director of a charity in Montreuil, France was critically injured and is lucky to be alive after his “Islamophobic” action summoned the wrath of a Muslim husband and wife.

At around 7:20 a.m., the couple entered Les Restaurants du Coeur, more familiarly known as Restos du Coeur, for the gracious welfare the charity provides. In what should very well be considered an act of jihad or, in the least, a hate crime, the couple shunned the free meals served by the non-Muslim crew, carrying out a violent attack on the director.  more

19 Comments on France: Man struck with ax after offering charity to muslim couple

  1. “Man struck with ax after offering charity to muslim couple”

    So? Please explain to me what the problem is. sarc/off

    Obviously the desert breeds ungrateful little shits who need their asses whipped into spaghetti sauce.

  2. Don’t we have enough of this (biting the hand that feeds you) in every major city in the US to stop the importing of more? Why the hell isn’t congress stopping the insanity?

  3. Whenever something like this happens, anywhere, the American hating Mau-Mau Muslim in Chief rubs his hands with glee. His faithful court of courtiers including the Clintons, Lurch, Paul Ryan, the Democrat Terrorist Party and many in the Republicrat party back him and his fellow Muslims to the hilt

  4. Frexit!

    There was a downtown festival in one of the burgs close to me. Our church set up a stand and offered free watr bottles to people strolling by. Along comes a Motard couple, man 10 paces in front, woman behind pushing a baby stroller and carrying bags.

    My church mate offered the woman a bottle of water. As she reached for it her husband ran up, knocked it out of her hands shouting ‘we don’t take water from dirty Christians’. This couple appeared to be Pakistani.
    The woman instantly freezes, stares at the ground as the husband rants and my church mate tries to be nice.
    I say nothing but am thinking of pest elimination with my pocket Glock.

    He stomps off, the woman looked up long enough to mouth ‘I’m sorry’ and follows.
    Since the Cleveland Clinic took over the hospital we’ve had an influx of Moslems. They stand out in a semi-rural 96% white area and not in a good way.

    My church mate has wised up and is educating herself with Robert Spencer books. She is sharing information with family and friends.

    Many people here are armed. I hope when some mindless primitive has his sudden jihad syndrome he taken out immediately.

  5. The Swiss have it right (that story this week about refusing to okay immigration for the two girls who wouldn’t swim with the boys in HS gym class). People who do not want to assimilate should not be here. This is mu-cu agenda writ large by the globalist progressives who cry “racist!” in order to cow dissent.

  6. “found myself faced with 90% of foreigners demanding their due and insulting me.”

    Looks like the reverse happened. This guy had his expectations up too high and he paid dearly for it. These muzzies can’t be tamed, just steer clear of them and never turn your back on any of them. You are not their friend.

  7. “I saved you,” cried that woman
    “And you’ve bit me even, why?
    You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die”
    “Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin
    “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

    The Snake by Oscar Brown, Jr.

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