France Sacrifices Priest on the Altar of False Tolerance – IOTW Report

France Sacrifices Priest on the Altar of False Tolerance

AnsweringMuslims: On Tuesday morning, two jihadis stormed a church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, France, with knives and a fake bomb. They forced a Catholic priest to his knees and filmed themselves slashing his throat at the altar. They later shouted “Allahu Akbar” while police shot them to death.

Prior to the attack, French police had caught one of the jihadis repeatedly attempting to travel to Syria to join ISIS. Nevertheless, he was free to roam the streets of France, as long as he wore an electronic bracelet.

Even worse, French authorities knew that the church was being targeted by ISIS, since an ISIS hit list found in 2015 named the church as a target.

Given the circumstances, do French authorities bear some of the blame for the outcome of the attack?  Watch the short video on false tolerance and the islam cult.

7 Comments on France Sacrifices Priest on the Altar of False Tolerance

  1. Kind of too bad they have a socialist revolutionary in the Papacy. If they had a pope that cared about his flock he would speak out on the rot in islam and call for a crusade.

  2. Wanna be a “liberal” and actually do some REAL good in the world? Get an axe or pickax handle. Wander through the streets of the “no-go” muzzie quoranderthal neighborhood zones. Swing handle “liberally” at what (not who) ever confronts or accosts you. See? You’re now a “liberal”. And you’ve done some actual good in the world.

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