Editor fired over gender tweets – IOTW Report

Editor fired over gender tweets

Report to re-gendering programming at once, Mr. Finley.

Washington Times: Burlington Free Press editor Denis Finley fired over gender tweets.

Gannett has fired Burlington Free Press editor Denis Finley for violating the company’s social media policies after he issued a series of tweets criticizing Vermont’s proposal to add a third gender option to driver’s licenses.

Gannett leaders fired Mr. Finley on Monday after determining that he violated the company’s social media guidelines “on a number of occasions,” the Free Press reported Monday evening.

The tweets that led to his termination started when a Twitter user said the proposal to add a third gender option to Vermont driver’s licenses was “awesome.”

“Awesome! That makes us one step closer to the apocalypse,” Mr. Finley responded Friday, The Washington Post reported.

After catching some heat for the tweet, he attempted to elaborate, writing, “The world isn’t coming to an end yet. I think it’s just falling apart, piece by piece.”

“My issue is simply why is this awesome?” he asked one user.  more here

6 Comments on Editor fired over gender tweets

  1. Whatever you do, be sure you don’t step into the path of liberal lies, deceit and destruction. The truth is their biggest enemy.

    Damn, what a pathetic group of imbeciles bent on perpetuating their stupidity and absurdity.

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