Freedom is not Exactly Liberty – IOTW Report

Freedom is not Exactly Liberty,

Today I am here to distinguish the difference between Freedom and Liberty. Although these two words are used these days interchangeably, I feel it is important to note the difference as they have become cliches in modern political parlance.

Because these words are invoked so much by politicians and their ilk, their meanings are almost synonymous. That’s confusing – and can be dangerous – because their definitions are actually quite different.

I’m also here to look at positive rights vs. negative rights, French vs. American Revolutions, and Latin America’s misunderstanding of the terms – all evaluating what it means to be truly free.

This article and the content inside of it is a Warning to the United States. The manipulation of what liberty and an individual’s rights and responsibilities constitute has already made its way to the U.S., where the lack of understanding of what liberty truly means has been apparent since the advent of the Progressive Era.

Read the whole article here:

1 Comment on Freedom is not Exactly Liberty

  1. “’When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’”

    Capture the language; control the thought.

    izlamo delenda est …


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