French police clash with migrants at Calais’ Jungle Camp – IOTW Report

French police clash with migrants at Calais’ Jungle Camp

French police clashed heavily with refugees and migrants for several hours at the makeshift Calais camp also known as ‘the Jungle’.
Police used water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets against the migrants, later charging the crowds of people gathered at the edge of the camp. The migrants threw rocks and tear gas shells back at officers. There were no known casualties.

5 Comments on French police clash with migrants at Calais’ Jungle Camp

  1. Ripley he’s just a grunt he can’t make that kind of decision,(to Cpl Hicks):no offense.
    Cpl Hicks:None taken,prep the ship to take off. I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit,I mean it’s the only way to make sure ,right?
    But really? Rubber bullets? Tear gas I understand,VX is problematic due wind conditions and possible collateral damage. But the water cannon could have been filled with a liquid blistering agent. And before you wacky environmentalists cry about hurting the earth with uccky chemicals,a concentrated distillation of capsicum,maybe from ghost peppers,would do the trick,I mean it’s completely natural.

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