From the “Thank God Criminals Are Stupid” File – IOTW Report

From the “Thank God Criminals Are Stupid” File

A guy made an improvised explosive device designed to detonate at the Asheville, North Carolina Airport. Investigator’s initial leads in tracking down the perpetrator were promising, but they ultimately went cold because the maniac (he wanted to start a war on U.S. soil) paid cash for all of the materials.

But, it was later learned that the imbecile used a “rewards card” for cash back toward future purchases. (This reminds me of the first WTC terrorists who went back to the truck rental to get their deposit back.)

Hopefully, for him, the card will work in the prison canteen.


Asheville, eh?

What are the odds the doosh is a prog? I’d say very high since the media isn’t saying he’s right-wing. That’s the way it works in media.


ht/ shazaam

16 Comments on From the “Thank God Criminals Are Stupid” File

  1. Reminds me of the guy in Brooklyn many years ago who gave a note to a bank teller: “this is a hold up give me cash.” The teller complied. The note was written on the back of his pay stub. The cops picked him up at his house. He needed extra cash to buy his honey an engagement ring. Willie Sutton turned over in his grave.

  2. Does this idiot own any REM or any other progressive rock group records? After the trial, just hand him over to the screeners at the Asheville airport and let them deal with him. I bet they will be glad to take their frustrations out on someone who deserves it.

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