G.W. Bush, Clinton White House Portraits Moved to Rarely Used Room – IOTW Report

G.W. Bush, Clinton White House Portraits Moved to Rarely Used Room

Newsmax: Over the last week, the official portraits of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were taken off the wall in the Grand Foyer in the White House and replaced by Republican presidents who were in office over 100 years ago, according to CNN.

Portraits of the most recent U.S. presidents normally get placed near the entrance of the White House, which is where portraits of Clinton and Bush were hanging on July 8.

But in the following days, those portraits found a new home in the Old Family Dining Room, which is rarely used or seen by guests. more

30 Comments on G.W. Bush, Clinton White House Portraits Moved to Rarely Used Room

  1. It is his home after all. He is the Decider in Chief. Obammy’s ridiculous portrait hasn’t been officially presented to the White House yet and, hopefully, won’t be for at least another twelve years. Just be thankful that a portrait of President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton will never disgrace the walls of this building.

  2. super

    Just because a man, his wife, both parents, both daughters, brother and his wife told us Oct ’16 VOTE CLINTON does not mean he is not Rep. Johny Mc and Mitt R also told us VOTE CLINTON! they , so the MSM says are/were GOP!

  3. @Roger

    YES! When the MSM starts to wet their pants over it, Trump can bring up the case of Churchill’s bust removed by O’Bumble.

    Trump is miles ahead of them. He is a great tactician and knows how to exploit the MSM hypocrisy.

  4. @Abigail Adams, I read James Lileks’ books with my son when he was little to help develop a fine sense of humor. 😁 The one about atrocious foods was very funny!

  5. @Texson:

    Where did they hang Obamas’?

    Heh! I’d like to see them hang from the Statue of Liberty’s torch!

    But their portraits haven’t made it to the White House yet. They’re still being worshipfully transported from ghetto to ghetto for ceremonial adoration.

  6. Obama refused to hang his embarrassing portrait in the White House.

    Wait until they show the public the Epstein portrait of Bill Clinton in the Blue Dress.

  7. As Obama’s moves from place to place it would be just a shame if it were destroyed by all the peaceful protesters in those cities full of his supporters….


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