Georgia: Democrat senators vote for bill stripping one of state’s largest employers of EV tax credits – IOTW Report

Georgia: Democrat senators vote for bill stripping one of state’s largest employers of EV tax credits

Just The News: Georgia’s two senators voted for the Democrats’ recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act, even though it strips South Korean automaker Kia — one of the state’s largest employers — of eligibility for the law’s electric vehicle tax credits. 

Kia, which employs thousands in Georgia, is planning to build another automobile factory in the state and hire 8,500 people, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Due to domestic assembly requirements in the new law, however, the automaker’s EV and plug-in fleet will lose their current eligibility for $7,500 tax credits on the purchase of new electric vehicles.

In an interview with “Just the News, Not Noise,” Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.) called out Georgia Democratic Sens. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, saying the pair forgot to check whether Kia vehicles would qualify for the EV credits in the Inflation Reduction Act. 

“Kia currently has vehicles that qualify for the tax credits,” Scott explained. “After this legislation is signed into law, none of the key vehicles will qualify for it. And so as I understand it, Kia has sent a letter to their dealer saying, “‘You need to get people to go ahead and sign the contract today before the legislation is signed, or they’re not going to be eligible for the tax rebate.”

Warnock is currently running for reelection against Republican Herschel Walker, former University of Georgia football star. more

14 Comments on Georgia: Democrat senators vote for bill stripping one of state’s largest employers of EV tax credits

  1. Hey Kia, right above Georgia is the state of Tennessee. Our two republican senators voted against the Inflation Enhancement Climate change Scam bill. And we’re a right to work state, with no state income tax. Come on over, the business climate is great here.

  2. I’ve always loved Dr Thomas Sowell’s 3 questions to ask of Democrats: 1) “Compared to what” 2) “At what cost” 3) “What evidence do you have to support your position”… Most liberal positions cannot adequately satisfy those questions… no need to call opponents names, just have them prove their position, with those questions…


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